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Brown Tinamou

Crypturellus obsoletus
Tinamú Pardo


Brown Tinamou

Appearance: The Brown Tinamou is a medium-sized ground bird with cryptic plumage that provides camouflage in its forest habitat. It has brownish plumage with intricate patterning, a small gray head, and a short tail. Sides of head and throat are gray. Males and females may have subtle differences in appearance.
Habitat: The Brown Tinamou is typically found in the lowland and foothill forests of Colombia, including areas with dense vegetation and undergrowth. It prefers moist, tropical forest environments with ample cover and foraging opportunities on the forest floor. 
Behavior: Brown Tinamous are shy and elusive birds that are more often heard than seen due to their secretive nature. They typically forage for fruits, seeds, insects, and other small invertebrates on the forest floor. Their distinctive calls and vocalizations are a common way to detect their presence in the forest. 
Breeding: Brown Tinamous are monogamous birds that nest on the ground, often creating a simple scrape in the forest floor where they lay their eggs. The female is primarily responsible for incubating the eggs and caring for the young chicks after hatching. 
Conservation Status: The Brown Tinamou is considered Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List.


Chocó Region: The Chocó biogeographic region in western Colombia, known for its high levels of biodiversity and lush tropical forests, is a key habitat for the Brown Tinamou. This region includes departments such as Chocó, Valle del Cauca, and Antioquia.
Amazon Region: The Amazon region in southern Colombia, including departments like Amazonas and Putumayo, also provides suitable habitat for the Brown Tinamou. The species can be found in the dense rainforests and tropical ecosystems of this area.
Andean Foothills: In the Andean foothills of Colombia, including regions like Caquetá and Meta, the Brown Tinamou is known to occur. These areas offer a mix of montane forests and diverse ecosystems where the tinamou can thrive.Other Regions: While the species is predominantly found in the aforementioned regions, sightings and occurrences of the Brown Tinamou have also been reported in other parts of Colombia where suitable forested habitats exist.


The Brown Tinamou (Crypturellus obsoletus)
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves (Birds)
  • Order: Tinamiformes
  • Family: Tinamidae
  • Genus: Crypturellus
  • Species: Crypturellus obsoletus


Song: The Brown Tinamou's song is a repeated series of short, whistled notes or calls that can vary in pitch and tone. The song is often described as melodic and can carry over long distances through the forest understory.
Call: Brown Tinamous also produce a variety of calls, including soft, low-pitched hoots, whistles, and clucks. These calls are used for communication between individuals, signaling alarm, or establishing territory boundaries.
Drumming: Some tinamou species, including the Brown Tinamou, are known to produce a drumming sound. This drumming noise is created by the rapid vibration of their wing feathers during display or territorial behavior.Chick