Ibises are sensitive to wetland degradation


Ibises are sensitive to wetland degradation

Tanagers the second largest family of birds, Tangaras la segunda familia mas grande de las aves


Tanagers the second largest family of birds

Orioles are among the largest neotropical passerines


Orioles are among the largest neotropical passerines

Birds of Colombia - Birding in Colombia: Discovering Avian Treasures

Colombia is a birdwatcher's paradise, home to the highest bird species diversity in the world, boasting over 2,000 recorded species. From dazzling toucans and resplendent quetzals to elusive antpittas and vibrant hummingbirds, Colombia offers an incredible range of birds waiting to be discovered.

Immerse yourself in Colombia's rich tapestry of endemic and near-endemic bird species, with over 80 species found exclusively within its borders. Encounter unique gems like the Santa Marta Parakeet, Gold-ringed Tanager, and Chestnut-capped Piha that showcase Colombia's rich biodiversity and conservation importance.

Explore Colombia's varied landscapes, from lush rainforests and misty cloud forests to rugged mountains and pristine rivers. With its diverse climates and ecosystems, Colombia offers year-round birding opportunities, ensuring a thrilling avian adventure no matter the season. From the Caribbean coast to the Andean highlands, Colombia's birding delights await you at any time of the year.


Birds by Family

Endemic Birds


Photography of Birds

Facts on Birds

Andean Cock of the Rock

Rupicola peruvianus
Gallito de Roca

The male Andean Cock-of-the-Rock is a vibrant orange bird with a large crest, known for its elaborate courtship displays. The female has a darker and browner plumage. They produce squawking and grunting calls sometimes similar to the sound of a pig.

Collared Trogon, Trogon collaris, Trogón Collarejo

Collared Trogon

Trogon collaris
Trogón Collarejo

This male trogon is a striking bird found in the tropical forests of Colombia. It displays a combination of vibrant colors, including a deep green back, a bright red belly, and a distinctive white band across its chest.

Highland Motmot, Momotus aequatorialis, Barranquero Andino

Highland Motmot

Momotus aequatorialis
Barranquero Andino

The Highland Motmot is a magnificent bird inhabiting the highland regions of Colombia. It features a unique combination of colors, including a green back, a blue crown, and a long, distinctive tail with bright blue feathers and a racket-like tip.

Red and Green Macaw, Ara chloropterus,Guacamaya Rojiverde

Red and Green Macaw

Ara chloropterus
Guacamaya Rojiverde

The Red and Green Macaw is a large and beautiful macaw species found in the tropical rainforests of Colombia. Its distinguishing features include vibrant red plumage covering most of its body, with green wings, back, and tail. It possesses a strong beak, a long tail, and a memorable call that echoes through the forest canopy.

Golden-headed Quetzal, Pharomachrus auriceps, Quetzal Colinegro

Golden-headed Quetzal

Pharomachrus auriceps
Quetzal Colinegro

The Golden-headed Quetzal is a striking bird known for its vibrant colors. Found in the cloud forests of Colombia, it has a brilliant golden head, a combination of green and blue plumage on its body, and a long, graceful tail. This species is revered for its beauty and is often considered a symbol of regality in its native habitat.

Multicolor Tanager, Chlorochrysa nitidissima, Tángara Multicolor

Multicolor Tanager

Chlorochrysa nitidissima
Tángara Multicolor

The multicolor tanager is a small bird species found in Colombia. It is known for its vibrant and varied plumage, displaying a combination of vivid colors, such as red, yellow, blue, green, and black on its body. These striking colors make it one of the most visually appealing and attractive birds in its habitat.

Toucan Barbet, Semnornis ramphastinus,  Compás

Toucan Barbet

Semnornis ramphastinus
Torito Cabecirrufo

A frugivorous colorful bird only found in the humid forests of western Colombia. No sexual dimorphism as both sexes are very similar. Frugivorous and also preys on insects and pierce flowers for nectar.

Purple-crowned Woodnymph, Thalurania Colombia, Ninfa Coronada

Purple-Crowned Woodnymph

Thalurania colombica
Ninfa Coronada  

This medium-sized hummingbird has a slightly decurved black bill. The male has a glittering metallic green throat and belly. The female builds its nests, lays two eggs and incubate them.

Red-headed Barbet, Eubucco bourcierii, Torito Cabecirufo

Red-headed Barbet

Eubucco bourcierii
Torito Cabecirrufo

A conspicuous and spectacularly colored bird with a brilliant red head and breast that are not seen in the female. Found in pairs and feeds on insects and fruits. Nests from holes in decaying trees