3 Species currently existing - 2 in region

are a group of seabirds characterized by their long tail streamers and brightly colored bills. The most commonly found species is the Red-billed Tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus) and the White-tailed Tropicbird (Phaethon lepturus).  Read in Spanish

Appearance: Tropicbirds have predominantly white plumage with black markings on their wings and back. The Red-billed Tropicbird has a vibrant red bill and feet, while the White-tailed Tropicbird has a white body contrasting with its black markings.

Habitat: Tropicbirds are found along the country's Caribbean coast, particularly on offshore islands and cliffs where they nest and roost. They prefer tropical and subtropical waters for foraging.

Behavior: Tropicbirds are strong fliers and are known for their graceful and agile aerial acrobatics. They primarily feed on fish and squid, catching prey by plunge-diving from flight into the water.

Breeding: Tropicbirds usually breed in coastal colonies on rocky cliffs or remote islands. They build nests using sticks, grass, and other materials. Breeding pairs typically lay a single egg, which both parents take turns incubating.

Conservation Status: Tropicbirds are generally not considered to be under significant threat. 

Red-billed Tropicbird

Phaethon aethereus
Spanish Name: Rabijunco Dorsibarrado

Size: 39 in | 100 cm
Habitat: They prefer rocky habitats for nesting sites and feed in tropical and subtropical waters near the coast.
Height: <

Photo: by © moodboard iStock/Getty Images Plus

Red-tailed Tropicbird

Phaethon rubricauda
Spanish Name: Rabijunco Colirrojo

Size: 35 in | 89 cm
Habitat: Tropicbird’s habitat consists of remote islands, coastal cliffs, and open ocean waters, where they can nest, forage, and raise their young in relatively undisturbed environments.
Height: <

Photo: by © Manakin iStock/Getty Images Plus

White-tailed Tropic bird

Phaethon lepturus
Spanish Name: Rabijunco Piquigualdo

Size: 30 in | 76 cm
Habitat: the White-tailed Tropicbird consists of remote islands, coastal cliffs, and open ocean waters, where they can nest, forage, and raise their young in relatively undisturbed environments.
Height: <

Photo: by © tane-mahuta iStock/Getty Images Plus