Jacamars are a group of tropical birds belonging to the family Galbulidae. These birds are known for their striking plumage, insectivorous diet, and unique nesting habits. Here is an overview of jacamars:
Appearance: Jacamars are small to medium-sized birds with colorful plumage and distinctive features. They typically have compact bodies, long pointed bills, and short legs. Their plumage is often adorned with iridescent colors such as blues, greens, and purples, making them visually appealing birds. Jacamars have a sleek and streamlined appearance, well-suited for their aerial lifestyle.

Habitat: Jacamars are predominantly found in tropical forests and wooded habitats of Central and South America. They prefer dense vegetation with access to open areas where they can hunt for flying insects. Jacamars are generally arboreal birds, spending much of their time perched on branches or vines in the forest canopy.

Behavior: Jacamars are primarily insectivorous, feeding on a variety of flying insects such as beetles, butterflies, and dragonflies. They are known for their aerial foraging behavior, where they catch insects in flight using their swift and agile flight skills. Jacamars may also glean insects from leaves or branches while perched.

Breeding: Jacamars typically excavate nest holes in earth banks, termite mounds, or rotting wood. These nest holes are usually tunnel-shaped and lead to a chamber where the female lays her eggs. Both male and female jacamars participate in nest building, egg incubation, and chick rearing. Jacamars are known for their cooperative breeding behavior, with family members assisting in caring for the young.

White-eared Jacamar

Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis
Spanish Name: Jacamar Orejiblanco

Size: 8 in | 20 cm
Habitat: Dense vegetation, aquatic environments.
Height: <500 m

Photo: © Stephen Gast eBird S38337090 Macaulay Library ML 93087421

Brown Jacamar

Brachygalba lugubris
Spanish Name: Jacamar lúgubre

Size: 7 in | 18 cm
Habitat: Tropical forests and mangrove swamps.
Height: <1200 m

Photo: © Ornitología IAvH eBird S44630203 Macaulay Library ML 94807101

Pale-headed Jacamar

Brachygalba goeringi
Spanish Name: Jacamar Cabeciblanco

Size: 7 in | 18 cm
Habitat: Tropical rainforests and gallery forests near waterbodies.
Height: <500 m

Photo: © Joana De Rivero eBird S56882210 Macaulay Library ML 161786761

Dusky-backed Jacamar

Brachygalba salmoni
Spanish Name: Jacamar de Salmón

Size: 7 in | 18 cm
Habitat: Tropical forests, including rainforests and woodlands with dense vegetation.
Height: <600 m

Photo: © William Supulski eBird S33553660 Macaulay Library ML 44906771

Yellow-billed Jacamar

Galbula albirostris
Spanish Name: Jacamar Piquidorado

Size: 7.5 in | 19 cm
Habitat: Tropical forests, including rainforests and woodlands with dense vegetation.
Height: <1200 m

Photo: © Guillermo Saborío Vega eBird S138571704 Macaulay Library ML584215971

Rufous-tailed Jacamar

Galbula ruficauda
Spanish Name: Jacamar Colirrufo

Size: 9 in | 23 cm
Habitat: Tropical forests, including rainforests and woodlands with dense vegetation.
Height: <1300 m

Photo: © Hudson - BirdsRio eBird S31701618 Macaulay Library ML 35706751

Green-tailed Jacamar

Galbula galbula
Spanish Name: Jacamar Coliverde

Size: 8 in | 20 cm
Habitat: Tropical forests, including rainforests and woodlands with dense vegetation.
Height: <300 m

Photo: © Jhonathan Miranda - Wandering Venezuela Birding Expeditions eBird S45360357 Macaulay Library ML 99682891

White-chinned Jacamar

Galbula tombacea
Spanish Name: Jacamar Barbiblanco

Size: 9.5 in | 22 cm
Habitat: Tropical forests, including rainforests, woodlands, and forest edges with dense vegetation.
Height: <1200 m

Photo: © Edwin Munera eBird S49634671 Macaulay Library ML 121757501

Bluish-fronted Jacamar

Galbula cyanescens
Spanish Name: Jacamar Frentiazuloso

Size: 8.5 in | 22 cm
Habitat: Tropical forests, rainforests, woodlands, and forest edges with dense vegetation.
Height: <150 m

Photo: © Michael Hooper eBird S32112270 Macaulay Library ML 63299661

Coppery-chested Jacamar

Galbula pastazae
Spanish Name: Jacamar Cobrizo

Size: 9.5 in | 24 cm
Habitat: tropical forests such as rainforests, woodlands, and forest edges with dense vegetation.
Height: 800-1600 m

Photo: © Luke Seitz eBird S51404632 Macaulay Library ML 134847871

Purplish Jacamar

Galbula chalcothorax
Spanish Name: Jacamar Paraíso

Size: 8.5 in | 22 cm
Habitat: Tropical forests, including rainforests, woodlands, and forest edges with dense vegetation.
Height: <500 m

Photo: © Mario De Freitas aeBird S46184565 Macaulay Library ML 107067831

Bronzy Jacamar

Galbula leucogastra
Spanish Name: Jacamar Bronceado

Size: 8.5 in | 22 cm
Habitat: Tropical forests, including rainforests, woodlands, and forest edges with dense vegetation.
Height: <300 m

Photo: © Chris Bell eBird S49102131 Macaulay Library ML 118316881

Paradise Jacamar

Galbula dea
Spanish Name: Jacamar Negro

Size: 12 in | 30 cm
Habitat: Tropical lowland forests and are often found near rivers or streams
Height: <300 m

Photo: © Claudia Brasileiro eBird S43271619 Macaulay Library ML 87862831

Great Jacamar, Jacamerops aureus, Gran Jacamar

Great Jacamar

Jacamerops aureus
Spanish Name: Gran Jacamar

Size: 12 in | 30 cm
Habitat: Tropical lowland forests and are often found near rivers or streams
Height: <900 m

Photo: © Luke Seitz eBird S27141206 Macaulay Library ML 23947141