Rails, Gallinules and Coots
142 Species currently existing - 29 in region |
Rails, gallinules, and coots are three types of waterbirds that belong to the family Rallidae. They are often found in a variety of wetland habitats, including marshes, swamps, and ponds.
Rails: Rails are small to medium-sized birds with long legs and long toes adapted for walking on soft mud and vegetation in wetlands. They have short, rounded wings and are known for their secretive behavior, often staying hidden in dense vegetation. Rails are typically brown or grayish in color with streaks or bars on their underside. Some common species of rails include the Virginia rail and the king rail.
Gallinules: Gallinules, also known as moorhens in some regions, are medium-sized birds with brightly colored plumage, often featuring shades of blue, purple, and red on their bodies and heads. They have a distinctive red frontal shield on their foreheads and a yellow-tipped red bill. Gallinules have relatively long toes and can be seen walking on floating vegetation or swimming in open water. The common gallinule is a well-known species found in North and South America.
Coots: Coots are medium-sized waterbirds with dark plumage, usually gray or black, and white undertail feathers that are often visible in flight. They have a white bill and a characteristic frontal shield that extends onto their forehead, which can be red, orange, or white depending on the species. Coots have lobed toes that aid them in swimming and diving for aquatic vegetation. The American coot is a widespread species in North America.
These three types of birds share similar habitats and dietary preferences, feeding on a variety of aquatic plants, insects, and small vertebrates. They are also known for their loud calls and social behaviors, often seen in groups or pairs within their wetland environments.
Speckled Rail
Coturnicops notatus
Spanish Name: Polluela Moteada
Size: 5.5 in | 14 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, reedbeds, and other similar wetland habitats.
Height: <400 m
Photo: © bruno hang eBird S69762175 Macaulay Library ML 239413581
Ocellated Crake
Micropygia schomburgkii
Spanish Name: Polluela Ocelada
Size: 5.5 in | 14 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, and other waterlogged areas with dense vegetation.
Height: <500m
Photo: © Daniel Branch eBird S64471115 Macaulay Library ML 209902731
Chestnut-headed Crake
Rufillarus castaneiceps
Spanish Name: Polluela Colorada
Size: 9 in | 22 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, and areas with tall grasses.
Height: < 1500 m
Photo: © Alex Wiebe eBird S38464994 Macaulay Library ML 65452001
Russet-crowned Crake
Rufillarus viridis
Spanish Name: Polluela cabecirrufa
Size: 6 in | 15 cm
Habitat: Marshes, wetlands, and areas with dense vegetation along rivers, ponds, and lakes.
Height: < 1400 m
Photo: © Luiz Alberto dos Santos eBird S69908558 Macaulay Library ML 240901201
Rufous-sided Crake
Laterallus melanophaius
Spanish Name: Polluela Pechiblanca
Size: 6 in | 15 cm
Habitat: Small bodies of fresh water
Height: <1000 m
Photo: © Pablo Re eBird S73803659 Macaulay Library ML 269805001
White-throated Crake
Laterallus albigularis
Spanish Name: Polluela Gorgiblanca
Size: 6 in | 15 cm
Habitat: wetlands, marshes, and areas with dense vegetation.
Height: <2000 m
Photo: © Anonymous eBird S44478199 Macaulay Library ML 99399861
Gray-breasted Crake
Laterallus exilis
Spanish Name: Polluela Bicolor
Size: 5.5 in | 14 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, swamps, and areas with dense vegetation near water sources.
Height: <1200 m
Photo: © Henry Sandi Amador eBird S38941590 Macaulay Library ML 67713171
Black Rail
Laterallus jamaicensis
Spanish Name: Polluela Negra
Size: 5.5 in | 14 cm
Habitat: Coastal salt marshes, wetlands, and areas with dense vegetation near water.
Height: <2600 m
Photo: © Héctor Bottai eBird S78062977 Macaulay Library ML 291450671
Mangrove Rail
Rallus longirostris
Spanish Name: Rascón Manglero
Size: 13 in | 33 cm
Habitat: Mangrove ecosystems and other coastal wetlands.
Height: < 200 m
Photo: © Nigel Voaden eBird S17816285 Macaulay Library ML 45273571
Virginia Rail
Rallus limicola
Spanish Name: Rascón de Nariño
Size: 9 in | 23 cm
Habitat: Freshwater and brackish marshes, wetlands, and reed beds.
Height: 2200-3000 m
Photo: © Evan Lipton eBird S29498627 Macaulay Library ML 29069861
Bogota Rail
Rallus semiplumbeus
Spanish Name: Rascón Bogotano
Size: 10 in | 25 cm
Habitat: High-altitude wetlands and marshes near Bogota. It is a localized species with a restricted range.
Height: 2500-3600 m
Photo: © Neil Diaz eBird S15511791 Macaulay Library ML 42994581
Brown Wood-rail
Aramides wolfi
Spanish Name: Chilacoa Parda
Size: 13 in | 33 cm
Habitat: Dense forests, mangroves, marshes, and wetland areas.
Height: < 900 m
Photo: © Lisa Brunetti eBird S39378469 Macaulay Library ML 69897491
Gray-cowled Wood-rail
Aramides cajaneus
Spanish Name: Chilacoa Colinegra
Size: 15 in | 38 cm
Habitat: Mangroves, swamps, marshes, and wet forests.
Height: < 2300 m
Photo: © Luis A. Materon
Rufous-necked Wood-rail
Aramides axillaris
Spanish Name: Chilacoa Costera
Size: 12 in | 30 cm
Habitat: Dense forests, mangroves, swamps, and wetland areas near water bodies.
Height: < 1500 m
Photo: © Sean Williams eBird S62793957 Macaulay Library ML 200071961
Uniform Crake
Amaurolimnas concolor
Spanish Name: Polluela Rufa
Size: 8.5 in | 22 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, and areas with dense vegetation near water sources such as ponds, lakes, and rivers.
Height: 600-1500 m
Photo: © Leli Perez eBird S125777897 Macaulay Library ML 522199701
Ash-throated Crake
Mustelirallarus albicollis
Spanish Name: Polluela Cienaguera
Size: 9 in | 23 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, swamps, and areas with dense vegetation near water bodies.
Height: < 1800 m
Photo: © Joao Quental JQuental eBird S39256465 Macaulay Library ML 145181311
Colombian Crake
Mustelirallus colombianus
Spanish Name: Polluela Pizarra
Size: 7.5 in | 19 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, mangroves, and other freshwater or brackish habitats with dense vegetation.
Height: 200 - 1800 m
Photo: © Jordan Roderick Macaulay Library eBird
Paint-billed Crake
Mustelirallus erythrops
Spanish Name: Pollluela Piquirroja
Size: 7.5 in | 19 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, swamps, and other dense vegetated areas near water bodies.
Height: < 600 m
Photo: © Daniel Hernandez eBird S68432791 Macaulay Library ML 232169081
Spotted Rail
Pardirallus maculatus
Spanish Name: Rascón Overo
Size: 10 in | 25 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, grasslands, and other areas with dense vegetation near water sources.
Height: 400 - 2000 m
Photo: © Luke Seitz eBird S54465589 Macaulay Library ML 148841621
Blackish Rail
Pardirallus nigricans
Spanish Name: Rascón Negruzco
Size: 11 in | 28 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, grasslands, and areas with dense vegetation near water bodies.
Height: 500 - 2200 m
Photo: © Peter Hawrylyshyn eBird S25337302 Macaulay Library ML64847061
Yellow-breasted Crake
Hapalocrex flaviventer
Spanish Name: Polluela de Antifaz
Size: 5.5 in | 14 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, reed beds, and other similar habitats with dense vegetation near water bodies.
Height: < 1000 m
Photo: © Guillermo Saborío Vega eBird S56446642 Macaulay Library ML 159728881
Black-banded Crake
Porzana fasciata
Spanish Name: Polluela Barrada
Size: 7 in | 18 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, reed beds, and areas with dense vegetation near water bodies.
Height: < 500 m
Photo: © Daniel López-Velasco | Ornis Birding Expeditions eBird S70336204 Macaulay Library ML 242729391
Porzana carolina
Spanish Name: Polluela Norteña
Size: 8.5 in | 22 cm
Habitat: Wetlands with high grass.
Height: < 3000 m
Photo: © Ryan Yann eBird S44801276 Macaulay Library ML 95780801
Purple Gallinule
Porphyrio martinicus
Spanish Name: Polla azul
Size: 13 in | 33 cm
Habitat: Marshes, swamps, and wetlands with abundant vegetation.
Height: < 3200 m
Photo: © Luis A. Materon
Azure Gallinule
Porphyrio flavirostris
Spanish Name: Polla Llanera
Size: 10 in | 25 cm
Habitat: Marshes, swamps, and wetland areas with dense vegetation.
Height: < m
Photo: © Angus Pritchard eBird S46546318 Macaulay Library ML 140258131
Common Gallinule
Gallinule galeata
Spanish Name: Polla Gris
Size: 14 in | 36 cm
Habitat: Marshes, swamps, ponds, and other wetland areas with dense vegetation.
Height: <3300 m
Photo: © Louis Hoeniger eBird S34822612 Macaulay Library ML 49544401
Spot-flanked Gallinule
Porphyriops melanops
Spanish Name: Polla Sabanera
Size: 10 in | 25 cm
Habitat: Wetland habitats, including marshes, ponds, and lakes withwetland habitats, including marshes, ponds, and lakes w
Height: 2300 - 3100 m
Photo: © VERONICA ARAYA GARCIA eBird S38986992 Macaulay Library ML 67885671
American Coot
Fulica americana
Spanish Name: Focha Americana
Size: 15 in | 38 cm
Habitat: Freshwater habitats such as marshes, ponds, and lakes, where they feed on aquatic plants, insects, and small fish
Height: <3300 m
Photo: © Luis A. Materon
Andean Coot (Slate-colored Coot)
Fulica ardesiaca
Spanish Name: Focha Andina
Size: 17 in | 43 cm
Habitat: Wetlands, marsh vegetation.
Height: 2200-3600 m
Photo: © Luis A. Materon