48 Species currently existing - 18 in region

Tinamous are found exclusively in the Americas, ranging from Central America to parts of South America. Tinamous have a unique combination of characteristics that distinguish them from other avian families. Tinamous generally have a plump, chicken-like appearance and are relatively small in size. They exhibit sexual dimorphism, meaning males and females often different plumage patterns. Their coloring can vary, but typically includes shades of brown, gray black, or rufous, which enables them blend into their natural habitats. Read in Spanish

One of the key features of tinamous is their well-developed wings, capable of limited flight Although flight is possible, they primarily prefer a life on the ground, often moving in a quick, darting manner. Tinamous have strong legs, adapted for running and walking and they possess three toes pointing forward and one toe pointing backward, enabling them to grip the ground effectively. These birds are known for their intricate and diverse vocalizations. Tinamous use wide range of calls, as booming, whistling, trilling, or clicking sounds. Vocal communication plays a crucial role in their territorial defense and courtship rituals.

Tinamous are predominantly omnivorous. Their diet typically consists of a variety of invertebrates, fruits, seeds, and occasionally small vertebrates. They forage on the ground, using their beaks to probe the earth or peck at food items.
Reproduction in tinamous is noteworthy as they display unique breeding behaviors. They often have polygynous mating systems, with males courting multiple females. Females lay large eggs, usually in a well-hidden ground nest, and males take on the majority of incubation duties, demonstrating an unusual reversal of parental roles in the avian world.

Due to their elusive nature and habitat preferences, tinamous are not frequently observed by humans. They inhabit a range of ecosystems, including grasslands, woodlands, forests, and scrublands, depending on the species. Some tinamous are also found in high-altitude environments such as the Andes.

Conservation concerns exist for several tinamou species, primarily due to habitat loss and fragmentation caused by deforestation, agriculture, and urbanization. Some species are considered threatened or endangered, emphasizing the importance of their conservation and protection.

Tawny-breasted Tinamou

Nothocercus julius
Spanish name: Tinamú Leonado

Size: 15.5 in | 39 cm
forests, montane forests, and subalpine areas within the Andean regions.
2300 - 3100 m

Photo: © Anthony Collerton eBird S38263642 Macaulay Library ML 64933811

Highland Tinamou

Nothocercus bonapartei
Spanish name: Tinamú Montañero

Size: 15.5 in | 39 cm
montane cloud forests and humid mountain forests
1500 - 2200 m

Photo: © Jack Kew eBird S100364583 Macaulay Library ML 406098301

Gray Tinamou

Tinamus tao
Spanish name: Tinamú Gris

Size: 18 in | 46 cm
lowland rainforests, foothill forests, and the transitional forests along the slopes of the Andes.
<1900 m

Photo: © neil bowman iStock/Getty Images Plus

Black Tinamou

Tinamous osgoodi
Spanish name: Tinamú Negro

Size: 16 in | 41 cm
ravines, and areas with dense vegetation along watercourses.
800-2100 m

Photo: © Brayan Coral Jaramillo eBird S28582951 Macaulay Library ML 26233561

Great Tinamou

Tinamus major
Spanish name: Tinamú Grande

Size: 17 in | 43 cm
<1500 m

Photo: © feathercollector iStock/Getty Images Plus

White-throated Tinamou

Tinamus guttatus
Spanish name: Tinamú Gorgiblanco

Size: 13.5 in | 34 cm
tropical and subtropical moist forests, forest edges, and disturbed areas adjacent to forests.
<500 m

Photo: © Cullen Hanks eBird S31431731 Macaulay Library ML 106835131

Berlepsch's Tinamou

Crypturellus berlepschi
Spanish name: Tinamú de Berlepsch

Size: 11 in | 28 cm
localized within specific areas of the Andes in Colombia
<500 m

Photo: © Alex Boas eBird S71505352 Macaulay Library ML 249513001

Cinereous Tinamou

Crypturellus cinereus
Spanish name: Tinamú Cenizo

Size: 12 in | 30 cm
tropical and subtropical moist forests, lowland rainforests, foothill forests, forests along rivers

Photo: © Nick Athanas eBird S63210845 Macaulay Library ML 221972671

Little Tinamou

Crypturellus soui
Spanish name: Tinamú Chico

Size: 9 in | 23 cm
<2000 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon

Brown Tinamou

Crypturellus obsoletus
Spanish name: Tinamú Pardo

Size: 11 in | 28 cm
lowland rainforests, foothill forests, and transitional forests along the slopes of the Andes.
1000 - 2000 m

Photo: © MikeLane45 iStock/Getty Images Plus

Undulated Tinamou

Crypturellus undulatus
Spanish name: Tinamú Ondulado

Size: 12 in | 30 cm
tropical and subtropical moist forests, lowland forests, large river islands
<1400 m

Photo: © Juan José Chalco Luna eBird S48382327 Macaulay Library

Gray-legged Tinamou

Crypturellus duidae
Spanish name: Tinamú Patigrís

Size: 12 in | 30 cm
white-sandy forests, lush vegetation woodlands
<500 m

Photo: © Gabriel Leite eBird S42826294 Macaulay Library ML 245800361

Red-legged Tinamou

Crypturellus erythropus
Spanish name: Tinamú Patirrojo

Size: 12 in | 30 cm
tropical rainforests, moist lowland forests, and montane forests.
<1000 m

Photo: © Lorenzo Calcaño eBird S56547195 Macaulay Library ML 163373031

Choco Tinamou

Crypturellus kerriae
Spanish name: Tinamú del Choco

Size: 12 in | 30 cm
lowland rainforest, areas near rivers, streams, and other bodies of water.
100 - 800m

Photo: © Euclides "Kilo" Campos eBird S45362963 Macaulay Library ML 109285861

Variegated Tinamou

Crypturellus variegatus
Spanish name: Tinamú Variegado

Size: 13 in | 33 cm
tropical rainforests, moist lowland forests, and montane forests.
<500 m

Photo: © Andre Moncrieff eBird S47229099 Macaulay Library ML 108353581

Rusty Tinamou

Crypterullus brevirostris
Spanish name: Tinamú Ferruginoso

Size: 11 in | 28 cm
white sandy soil forest
<200 m

Photo: © Vincent Rufray eBird S71259401 Macaulay Library ML 248248081

Bartlett's Tinamou

Crypturellus bartletti
Spanish name: Tinamú de Bartlett

Size: 9.5 in | 24 cm
dense forests, including tropical rainforests and moist lowland forests.

Photo: © Julian Gottfried eBird S59163043 Macaulay Library ML 173862691

Barred Tinamou

Crypturellus casiquiare
Spanish name: Tinamú Barrado

Size: 10 in | 25 cm
lowland tropical rainforests, secondary forests, and wooded areas near marshes or rivers
<350 m

Photo: © Stéphane Aubert eBird S129798539 Macaulay Library ML 550919161

Curved-bill Tinamou

Nothoprocta curvirostris
Spanish name: Tinamú Piquicurvo

Size: 11 in | 28 cm
montane forests, cloud forests, and paramo ecosystems
3000 - 4000 m

Photo: © Andrew Spencer eBird S27897459 Macaulay Library ML 49398041