365 Species currently existing - 163 in region

is a haven for hummingbirds, with over 163 documented species, making it one of the most diverse countries for these tiny, colorful birds. 

Diversity: Colombia's varied ecosystems, from the Andes to the Amazon rainforest, provide a wide range of habitats for hummingbirds. This allows for such a high diversity of species.

Endemism: Several hummingbird species in Colombia are endemic, meaning they are found only in this country. Examples include the Indigo-capped Hummingbird and the Coppery Emerald.

Migration: While some hummingbird species in Colombia are sedentary, others are migratory, traveling long distances from North America to overwinter in the country.

Hotspots: Certain regions in Colombia, such as the Santa Marta Mountains and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, are known as hotspots for hummingbird diversity, attracting birdwatchers and researchers from all over the world.

Ecotourism: The presence of so many hummingbird species has also led to the development of hummingbird watching tours in Colombia, providing a sustainable way for visitors to appreciate these birds and support conservation efforts.

Research: Colombia's rich hummingbird diversity has made it a hotspot for scientific research on these birds, helping to further our understanding of their behavior, ecology, and conservation needs.

Fiery Topaz

Topaza pyra
Spanish name: Topacio Fúlgido

Size: Male 7.5 in | 19 cm
Dense, primary rainforest with a thick canopy and diverse vegetation.
<400 m

Photo: © Silvia Faustino Linhares eBird S39329718 Macaulay Library ML 69606621

White-necked Jacobin

Florisuga mellivora
Spanish name: Colibrí Nuquiblanco

Size: 4.5 in | 11.4 cm
Tropical rainforests, montane forests, humid lowland forests, and forest edges.
<1900 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon

White-tipped Sicklebill

Eutoxeres aquila
Spanish name: Pico-de-hoz Coliverde

Size: 4.7 in | 12 cm
Habitat: Tropical lowland forests and montane forests.
Height: <2400 m

Photo: © Nick Athanas eBird S15030008 Macaulay Library ML 120983641

Buff-tailed Sicklebill

Eutoxeres condamini
Spanish name: Pico-de-hoz- Colicanelo

Size: 4.7 in | 12 cm
Habitat: Tropical lowland forests and montane forests.
Height: <1500 m

Photo: © David F. Belmonte eBird S121996487 Macaulay Library ML504076661

Bronzy Hermit

Glaucis aeneus
Spanish name: Ermitaño Bronceado

Size: 3.5 in | 9 cm
Habitat: Understory and lower levels of forests, where they can forage for nectar from a variety of flowering plants.
Height: <1500 m

Photo: © Fernando Burgalin Sequeria eBird S74149528 Macaulay Library ML 268296901

Rufous-breasted Hermit

Glaucis hirsutus
Spanish name: Ermitaño Canelo

Size: 4.2 in | 10.7 cm
Habitat: Dense vegetation, shrubby borders and forest understory.
Height: <1800 m

Photo: © Chelsea Sampson iStock/Getty Images Plus

Band-tailed Barbthroat

Threnetes ruckeri
Spanish name: Ermitaño Barbudo

Size: 4 in | 10 cm
Habitat: Thick vegetation cover that offers shelter and nesting sites, contributing to their overall habitat suitability.
Height: 1200 m

Photo: © Luke Seitz eBird S35266025 Macaulay Library ML 54054171

Pale-tailed Barbthroat

Threnetes leucurus
Spanish name: Ermitaño Coliblanco

Size: 4 in | 10 cm
Habitat: Tropical rainforests, humid lowlands and humid montane forests, swamp forests, second growth, brushy pastures.
Height: <700 m

Photo: © Rob Felix eBird S42343238 Macaulay Library ML 113025361

Streak-throated Hermit

Phaethornis rupurumii
Spanish name: Ermitaño Orinocense

Size: 3.5 in | 9 cm
Habitat: Tropical rainforests, humid montane forests, and forest edges.
Height: <250 m

Photo: © … … eBird S39866132 Macaulay Library ML 71657951

Black-Throated Hermit

Phaethornis atrimentalis
Spanish name: Ermitaño Gorginegro

Size: 3.3in | 8.4 cm
Habitat: Tropical rainforests, humid montane forests, and forest edges. They are attracted to areas with abundant flowers with tubular shapes.
Height: <500 m

Photo: © Nick Athanas eBird S50285173 Macaulay Library ML 125719721

Stripe-throated Hermit

Phaethornis striigularis
Spanish name: Ermitaño Gorgirrayado

Size: 3.5 in | 9 cm
Habitat: Tropical rainforests, humid montane forests, and forest edges.
Height: <1300 m

Photo: © Jiri Hrebicek iStock/Getty Images Plus

Gray-chinned Hermit

Phaethornis griseogularis
Spanish name: Ermitaño Gorgigris

Size: 3.4 in | 8.6 cm
Habitat: Various forested habitats, including tropical rainforests, humid montane forests, and forest edges.
Height: 500 - 1500 m

Photo: © Peter Hawrylyshyn eBird S25288385 Macaulay Library ML 64079801

Reddish Hermit

Phaethornis ruber
Spanish name: Ermitaño Rojizo

Size: 3.2 in | 8 cm
Habitat: Prefers dense, humid forests, including primary and secondary growth forests, as well as forest edges and clearings. They are often found in the understory and lower canopy levels of the forest.
Height: <600 m

Photo: © Daniel Branch eBird S65064113 Macaulay Library ML 212400061

Sooty-capped Hermit

Phaethornis augusti
Spanish name: Ermitaño Gris

Size: 5.2 in | 13.2 cm
Habitat: Humid lowland and foothill forests, including primary and secondary growth forests, as well as forest edges and clearings.
Height: 500 - 1800 m

Photo: © Gabriel Leite eBird S52957523 Macaulay Library ML 141887381

Pale-bellied Hermit

Phaethoernis anthophylus
Spanish name: Ermitaño Carinegro

Size: 5 in | 13 cm
Habitat: Humid lowland forests, often favoring primary and secondary growth forests, as well as forest edges and clearings.
Height: <1200 m

Photo: © Jorge Alcalá eBird S157508596 Macaulay Library ML612897924

White-bearded Hermit

Phaethornis hispidus
Spanish name: Ermitaño Barbiblanco

Size: 5.3 in | 13.5 cm
Habitat: Primary and secondary growth forests, as well as forest edges, clearings, and heavily wooded areas.
Height: <900 m

Photo: © Matthew sabatine eBird S31344958 Macaulay Library ML 34435981

White-whiskered Hermit

Phaethornis yaruqui
Spanish name: Ermitaño del Pacífico

Size: 5 in | 13.2 cm
Habitat: Humid montane forests, cloud forests, and subtropical forests. They can be found in both the understory and lower canopy levels of these forests.
Height: <1800 m

Photo: ©Eduardo Lago V.

Green Hermit

Phaethornis guy
Spanish name:  Ermitaño Verde

Size: 5.3 in | 13.5 cm
Habitat: Understory and lower canopy levels of forests, including primary and secondary growth forests, forest edges, and shaded plantations.
Height: 600 - 2200 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon

Tawny-Bellied Hermit

Phaethornis syrmatophorus
Spanish name: Ermitaño Leonado

Size: 5.5 in | 14 cm
Habitat: Primary and secondary growth forests, understory of humid and montane forests, and areas with dense vegetation and flowering plants.
Height: 1000 - 2400 m

Photo: © Nigel Voaden eBird S18426396 Macaulay Library ML 46027021

Straight-billed Hermit

Phaethornis bourcieri
Spanish name: Ermitaño Piquirecto

Size: 4.8 in | 12.2 cm
Habitat: Tropical rainforests, humid montane forests, and other forested areas with dense vegetation.
Height: <800 m

Photo: © Dave Beeke eBird S54318184 Macaulay Library ML 151156501

Long-billed Hermit

Phaethornis longirostris
Spanish name: Ermitaño Colilargo

Size: 5 in | 13 cm
Habitat: Tropical rainforests, humid montane forests, and other wooded areas with dense vegetation.
Height: <1800 m

Photo: © Maria Jose Lou eBird S30797141 Macaulay Library ML 31480731

Great-billed Hermit

Phaethornis malaris
Spanish name: Ermitaño Piquigrande

Size: 5 in | 13 cm
Habitat: Tropical rainforests, humid montane forests, and other forested areas with dense vegetation. They are often found in the understory and mid-canopy levels of forests.
Height: <1500 m

Photo: © Sergio LEON eBird S44274694 Macaulay Library ML 93005981

Green-fronted Lancebill

Doryfera ludovicae
Spanish name: Pico-de-lanza Frentiverde

Size: 4.3 in | 11 cm
Height: 900 - 2700 m

Photo: © Leonardo Valverde eBird S128265456 Macaulay Library ML 546947591

Blue-fronted Lancebill

Doryfera johannae
Spanish name: Pico-de-lanza Frentiazul

Size: 3.5 in | 9 cm
Habitat: Humid montane forests, cloud forests, and other wooded areas with dense vegetation. They are often located in the mid-canopy and understory levels of forests.
Height: 400 - 1600 m

Photo: © Peter Hawrylyshyn eBird S23350015 Macaulay Library ML 56868961

Choco Daggerbill

Schistes albogularis
Spanish name: Colibrí Piquicuña del Chocó

Size: 3.5 in | 9 cm
Habitat: Montane forests and cloud forests.
Height: 800 - 2600 m

Photo: © Hederd Torres García eBird S41237989 Macaulay Library ML79392531

Geoffroy's Daggerbill

Schistes geoffroyi
Spanish name: Colibrí piquicuña

Size: 3.5 in | 9 cm
Habitat: Humid montane forest and shrubby borders. 
Height: 600 - 2600 m

Photo: © Alberto Peña eBird S68746021 Macaulay Library ML365958061

Brown Violetear

Colibri delphinae
Spanish name: Colibrí Pardo
Size: 4.3 in | 0 cm
Habitat: Subtropical or tropical moist montane forests and occasionally in adjacent shrublands and plantations.
Height: 900 - 2800 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon

Lesser Violetear

Colibri cyanotus
Spanish name: Colibrí Verdemar

Size: 3.7 in | 9.4 cm
Habitat: Montane forests, forest edges and plantations.
Height: 600 - 3000 m

Photo: © Austin Groff eBird S134222068 Macaulay Library ML 566389571

Sparkling Violetear

Colibri coruscans
Spanish name: Colibrí Chillón

Size: 4.8 in | 12.2 cm
Habitat: Montane cloud forests, humid forests, and forest edges.
Height: 1300 - 3600 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon

Tooth-billed Hummingbird

Androgen aequatorialis
Spanish name: Colibrí Piquidentado

Size: 4.4 in | 10 cm
Habitat: Forests and possibly mangroves, at low to moderate elevations.
Height: <1100 m

Photo: © Hans Heinz eBird S93009621  Macaulay Library ML367356291

Purple-crowned Fairy

Heliothryx barroti
Spanish name: Hada Coliblanca

Size: 4.2 in | 10.7 cm
Habitat: Tropical and subtropical forests, forest edges, and gardens with suitable flowering plants.
Height: <1100 m

Photo: © Carlos Bolaños eBird S120335760Macaulay Library ML 605194081

Black-eared Fairy

Heliothryx auritus
Spanish name: Hada Oriental

Size: 4.2 in | 10.7 cm
Habitat: Tropical and subtropical forests, forest edges, and plantations with suitable flowering plants.
Height: <1000 m

Photo: © Claudia Brasileiro eBird S38631607 Macaulay Library ML 65993791

White-tailed Goldenthroat, Polytmus guainumbi, Colibrí Llan

White-tailed Goldenthroat

Polytmus guainumbi
Spanish name: Colibrí Llanero

Size: 3.8 in | 9.7 cm
Habitat: Subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, as well as more specific areas like gallery forests, forest edges, and even urban gardens. 
Height: <1300 m

Photo: © Luiz Matos eBird S44323307 Macaulay Library ML 93278131

Green-tailed Goldenthroat, Polytmus theresiae, Colibrí Coliverde

Green-tailed Goldenthroat

Polytmus theresiae
Spanish name: Colibrí Coliverde

Size: 3.4 in | 8.6 cm
Habitat: Montane cloud forests, humid forests, and forested areas with abundant flowering plants.
Height: <300 m

Photo: © Thibaut RIVIERE eBird S53010462  Macaulay Library ML 148859691

Ruby-topaz Hummingbird, Chrysolampis mosquitus, Colibrí Rubitopacio

Ruby-topaz Hummingbird

Chrysolampis mosquitus
Spanish name: Colibrí Rubitopacio

Size: 3.2 in | 8 cm
Habitat: Open woodlands, lowland forests, mangroves, plantations, gardens, and coastal areas.
Height: <1800 m

Photo: © Eduardo Lago V.

Fiery-tailed Awlbill, Avocettula recurvirostris, Colibrí Piquipunzón

Fiery-tailed Awlbill

Avocettula recurvirostris
Spanish name: Colibrí Piquipunzón

Size: 3 in | 7.6 cm
Habitat: Dry to humid forests edges, plain with not an abundant vegetation.
Height: <300 m

Photo: © Bruno Rennó eBird S46155459 Macaulay Library ML 102626621

Green-breasted Mango, Anthracothorax prevostii, Mango Pechiverde

Green-breasted Mango

Anthracothorax prevostii
Spanish name: Mango Pechiverde

Size: 4 in | 10 cm
Habitat: Rainforests, montane forests, second-growth forests, wooded ravines, and gardens.
Height: <300 m

Photo: © Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren eBird S27660740 Macaulay Library ML 24610511

Black-throated Mango, Anthracothorax nigricollis, Mango Pechinegro

Black-throated Mango

Anthracothorax nigricollis
Spanish name: Mango Pechinegro

Size: 4 in | 10 cm
Habitat: Tropical lowland forests, montane forests, second-growth forests, and gardens. 
Height: <1900 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon

Orange-throated Sunangel, Heliangelus mavors, Ángel Gorginaranja

Orange-throated Sunangel

Heliangelus mavors
Spanish name: Ángel Gorginaranja

Size: 3.7 in | 9.4 cm
Habitat: High-altitude montane cloud forests and páramo habitats within its range.
Height: 2000 - 3200 m

Photo: © John Drummond eBird S35405487 Macaulay Library ML 53083821

Longuemare’s Sunangel (Amethyst-throated Sunangel), Heliangelus clarisse, Ángel de Clarisse

Longuemare’s Sunangel (Amethyst-throated Sunangel)

Heliangelus clarisse
Spanish name: Ángel de Clarisse

Size: 3.7 in | 9.4 cm
Habitat: High-altitude montane cloud forests, and páramo habitats
Height: 2000 - 3300 m

Photo: © Sarah M eBird S101769102 Macaulay Library ML 467934931

Gorgeted Sunangel, Heliangelus strophianus, Ángel Nariñense

Gorgeted Sunangel

Heliangelus strophianus
Spanish name: Ángel Nariñense

Size: 3.7 in | 9.4 cm
Height: 1200 -2800 m

Photo: © Devin Griffiths eBird S38008356 Macaulay Library ML 68582301

Tourmaline Sunangel

Heliangelus exortis
Spanish name: Ángel Gorgiturmalina

Size: 4 in | 10 cm
Habitat: Montane forests, cloud forests, and forest edges at high elevations.
Height: 2000 - 3400 m

Photo: © Eduardo Lago V.

Green Thorntail, Discosura conversii, Cola-de-lira Verde

Green Thorntail

Discosura conversii
Spanish name: Cola-de-lira Verde

Size: 4 in | 10 cm
Habitat: Subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. They are often found in the canopy and forest edges of these mountainous regions.
Height: 100 - 1400 m

Photo © Luis A. Materon

Wire-crested Thorntail, Discosura popelairii, Cola-de-lira Guamero

Wire-crested Thorntail

Discosura popelairii
Spanish name: Cola-de-lira Guamero

Size: Male 4.5 in | 11.4 cm
Female 2.6 in | 6.6 cm
Habitat: Montane rainforests, cloud forests, and forest edges at higher elevations.
Height: 500 - 1600 m

Photo: © Ed Harper eBird S48400062 Macaulay Library ML 114288351

Black-bellied Thorntail, Discosura langsdorffi, Cola-de-lira Tronador

Black-bellied Thorntail

Discosura langsdorffi
Spanish name: Cola-de-lira Tronador

Size: Male 4.5 | 11.4 cm
Female 2.6 in | 6.6 cm
Habitat: Montane rainforests, cloud forests, and forest edges at higher elevations.
Height: <400 m

Photo: ©  Nick Athanas eBird S50363415 Macaulay Library ML 126190721

Racket-tipped Thorntail, Discosura longicaudus, Cola-de-lira Raqueta

Racket-tipped Thorntail

Discosura longicaudus
Spanish name: Cola-de-lira Raqueta

Size: Male 4.8 in | 12.2 cm
Female 2.6 in | 6.6 cm
Habitat: Montane rainforests, cloud forests, and forest edges at higher elevations.
Height: <300 m

Photo: © Fabiano Souto Rosa eBird S41341362 Macaulay Library ML 83004131

Rufous-crested Coquette, Lophornis delattrei,  Coqueta Crestada

Rufous-crested Coquette

Lophornis delattrei
Spanish name: Coqueta Crestada

Size: 2.7 in | 7 cm
Habitat: Montane forests, cloud forests, and forest edges in regions at higher elevations. Variety of flowering plants and dense vegetation.
Height: 500 - 2000 m

Photo: © Thibaud Aronson eBird S120613986 Macaulay Library ML 506540391

spangled-coquette, Lophornis stictolophus, Coqueta Coronada

Spangled Coquette

Lophornis stictolophus
Spanish name: Coqueta Coronada

Size: 2.7 in | 7 cm
Habitat: Tropical lowland forests, forest edges, and shrublands.
Height: 100 - 1300 m

Photo: © Nick Athanas eBird S49526125 Macaulay Library ML 120993951

Lophornis verreauxiiSpanish name: Coqueta Mariposa, Butterfly Coquette

Butterfly Coquette

Lophornis verreauxii
Spanish name: Coqueta Mariposa

Size: 3 in | 7.6 cm
Habitat: Montane forests and forest edges, scrub, white sandy soil forest
Height: <600 m

Photo: © Timo Mitzen eBird S39161841 Macaulay Library ML 249971571

Ecuadorian Piedtail, Phlogophilus hemileucurus, Colibrí Ecuatoriano

Ecuadorian Piedtail

Phlogophilus hemileucurus
Spanish name: Colibrí Ecuatoriano

Size: 3 in | 7.6 cm
Habitat: Forest edges, ravines, and humid mountainous forests. They feed on nectar from a variety of flowering plants
Height: 600 - 1500 m

Photo: © Ottavio Janni eBird S43255188 Macaulay Library ML 88982761

Adelomyia melanogenys, Colibrí Pechipunteado, Speckled Hummingbird

Speckled Hummingbird

Adelomyia melanogenys
Spanish name: Colibrí Pechipunteado

Size: 3.3 in | 8.4 cm
Habitat: Humid and wet forest, montane forest, shrubby borders, gardens
Height: 1000 - 2500 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon

Long-tailed sylph, Aglaiocercus kingii, Cometa Verdiazul

Long-tailed Sylph

Aglaiocercus kingii
Spanish name: Cometa Verdiazul

Size: 7 in | 18 cm
Habitat: Humid montane cloud forests with dense vegetation, including moss-covered trees, epiphytes, and a variety of flowering plants that provide nectar.
Height: 1400 - 3000 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon


Aglaiocercus coelestis
Spanish name: Cometa Colivioleta

Size: 7 in | 18 cm cm
Habitat: Cloud forests, montane forests, and humid subtropical or tropical high-altitude shrubland.
Height: 900 - 2100 m

Photo: © Eduardo Lago V.

Ecuadorian Hillstar, Oreotrochilus chimborazo, Colibrí del Chimborazo

Ecuadorian Hillstar

Oreotrochilus chimborazo
Spanish name: Colibrí del Chimborazo

Size: 5 in | 13 cm
Habitat: Montane grasslands, high-altitude shrublands, and the edges of glacial valleys in the Andes.
Height: 3600 - 4300 m

Photo: © Luke Seitz eBird Library ML 134845421

Mountain Avocetbill, Opisthoprora euryptera, Piquilezna Montañero

Mountain Avocetbill

Opisthoprora euryptera
Spanish name: Piquilezna Montañero

Size: 4 in | 10 cm
Habitat: Humid forest borders, shrubby slopes
Height: 2600 - 3600 m

Photo: © Dušan Brinkhuizen eBird S139960362 Macaulay Library ML 579470891

Black-tailed Trainbearer, Lesbia victoriae, Cometa Colinegro

Black-tailed Trainbearer

Lesbia victoriae
Spanish name: Cometa Colinegro

Size: 10 in | 25 cm
Habitat: Montane cloud forests, subtropical or tropical high-altitude shrubland, and mountainous areas with dense vegetation.
Height: 2500 - 4000 m

Photo: © Eduardo Lago V.

Black-backed Thornbill, Ramphromicron dorsale, Picoespina Dorsinegro

Black-backed Thornbill

Ramphromicron dorsale
Spanish name: Picoespina Dorsinegro

Size: 4 in | 10 cm
Habitat: Humid montane forests and forest edges
Height: 2000 - 4500 m

Photo: © Dušan Brinkhuizen eBird S64750581 Macaulay Library ML 204884671

Ramphomicron microrhynchum, Picoespina dorsimorado, Purple-backed Thornbill

Purple-backed Thornbill

Ramphomicron microrhynchum
Spanish name: Piciespina-Dorsimorado

Size: 3.2 in | 8 cm
Habitat: Humid montane forests and forest edges at higher elevations.
Height: 1700 - 3400 m

Photo: © Andre Moncrieff eBird S116634820 Macaulay Library ML 479666321

Blue-mantled-thornbill, Pico espina Violeta, Chalcostigma Stanley

Blue-mantled Hornbill

Chalcostigma stanleyi
Spanish name: Pico Espina Violeta

Size: 4.5 in | 11.4 cm
Habitat: Humid forest borders, including primary and secondary forests, as well as páramo
Height: 3000 - 4200 m

Photo: © Luke Seitz eBird S7997623 Macaulay Library ML 39592981

Bronze-tailed Thornbill, Chalcostigma heteropogon, Picoespina Bronceado

Bronze-tailed Thornbill

Chalcostigma heteropogon
Spanish name: Picoespina Bronceado

Size: 5 in | 13 cm
Habitat: High Andean paramo regions, which are characterized by grassy plains and shrublands located above the treeline
Height: 2800 - 3900 m

Photo: © Neil Diaz eBird S14860440 Macaulay Library ML 43036611

Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Chalcostigma herrani, Picoespina Arcoiris

Rainbow-bearded Thornbill

Chalcostigma herrani
Spanish name: Picoespina Arcoiris

Size: 4.3 in | 11 cm
Habitat: High-altitude montane forests and cloud forests in the Andes Mountains.
Height: 2800 - 4000m

Photo: © Nick Athanas eBird S49011516 Macaulay Library ML 120999891

Blue-bearded Helmetcrest, Oxypogon cyanolaemus, Barbudito Azul

Blue-bearded Helmetcrest

Oxypogon cyanolaemus
Spanish name: Barbudito Azul

Size: 4.7 in | 12 cm
Habitat: Inhabits the mossy and epiphyte-laden cloud forests of the Central Andes.
Height: 3050 - 4800 m

Photo: © sebastian ballesteros caro eBird S42263512 Macaulay Library ML 83473161

Green-bearded Helmetcrest, Oxypogon guerinii, Barbudito Verde

Green-bearded Helmetcrest

Oxypogon guerinii
Spanish name: Barbudito Verde

Size: 4.5 in | 11.4 cm
Habitat: Moist montane and cloud forest habitats with dense vegetation, including mosses, epiphytes, bromeliads, and orchids.
Height: 3300 - 4600 m

Photo: ©  Jorge Muñoz García CAQUETA BIRDING eBird S38744955 Macaulay Library ML 66825541

Oxypogon stuebeli,  Barbudito Canelo, Buffy Helmetcrest

Buffy Helmetcrest

Oxypogon stuebeli
Spanish name: Barbudito Canelo

Size: 4.3 in | 11 cm
Habitat: Nevado del Ruiz
Height: 3300 -4800 m

Photo: © Eduardo Lago V.

Metallura iracunda, Metalura de Perijá, Perija Metaltail

Perija Metaltail

Metallura iracunda
Spanish name: Metalura de Perijá

Size: 4 in | 10 cm
Habitat: High-altitude cloud forests and paramo habitats of the Perijá Mountains.
Height: 2400 - 3200 m

Photo: © Phillip Edwards eBird S65011065 Macaulay Library ML 204876231

Tyrian Metaltail

Metallura tyrianthina
Spanish name: Metalura Colirroja

Size: 3.2 in | 8 cm
Habitat: Dense cloud forests with a variety of flowering plants that provide nectar sources for the hummingbirds.
Height: 1900 - 3600 m

Photo: © Ian Davies eBird S4346845 Macaulay Library ML 31727541

Viridian Metaltail, Metalura Verde, Metallura Williams

Viridian Metaltail

Metallura williami
Spanish name: Metalura Verde

Size: 3.4 in | 8.6 cm
Habitat: Humid montane cloud forests with dense vegetation, including moss-covered trees, shrubs, and epiphytes.
Height: 2800 - 3800 m

Photo: © Jay McGowan eBird S27755549 Macaulay Library ML 25855591

Haplophaedia aureliae, Calzoncitos Verdosos, Greenish Puffleg

Greenish Puffleg

Haplophaedia aureliae
Spanish name: Calzoncitos Verdosos

Size: 3.6 in | 9 cm
Habitat: Montane cloud forests and high-altitude habitats of the Andes Mountains.
Height: 1500 3100 m

Photo: ©  fernando Burgalin Sequeria eBird S139350791 Macaulay Library ML 582360431

Hoary Puffleg, Haplophaedia lugens, Calzoncitos del Pacífico

Hoary Puffleg

Haplophaedia lugens
Spanish name: Calzoncitos del Pacífico

Size: 3.6 in | 9 cm
Habitat: High-altitude cloud forests, montane forests, edge habitats where cloud forests meet open areas
Height: 1200 - 2500 m

Photo: © David Weaver eBird S48300515 Macaulay Library ML 113639451

Eriocnemis isabellaeSpanish name: Zamarrito del Pinche, Gorgeted Puffleg

Gorgeted Puffleg

Eriocnemis isabellae
Spanish name: Zamarrito del Pinche

Size: 3.6 in | 9 cm
Habitat: Dense vegetation, including tall trees, shrubs, and understory vegetation.
Height: 2600 - 3200 m

Photo: © Fundación Ecohabitats Macaulay Library ML 307771831

Eriocnemis vestita, Calzoncitos Relucientes, Glowing Puffleg


Eriocnemis vestita
Spanish name: Calzoncitos Relucientes

Size: 3.6 in | 9 cm
Habitat: High-altitude cloud forests, dense vegetation, including tree canopies and understory vegetation.
Height: 2200 - 3700 m

Photo: ©  Knut Hansen eBird S26804999 Macaulay Library ML 23007841

Eriocnemis derbyi, Calzoncitos Piernioscuro, Black-thighed Puffleg

Black-Thighed Puffleg

Eriocnemis derbyi
Spanish name: Calzoncitos Piernioscuro

Size: 3.6 in | 9 cm
Habitat: High-altitude cloud forests, forest edges, clearings, and disturbed areas
Height: 2700 - 3650 m

Photo: ©  Eduardo Lago V.

Turquoise-throated Puffleg, Eriocnemis godini, Calzoncitos Gorgiturquesa

Turquoise-throated Puffleg

Eriocnemis godini
Spanish name: Calzoncitos Gorgiturquesa

Size: 3.6 in | 9 cm
Habitat: High-altitude cloud forests along the Andes mountain range.
Height: 2800 - 3300 m

Photo: © Richard Allen Macaulay Library

Coppery-bellied Puffleg, Eriocnemis cupreoventris, Calzoncitos Cobrizo

Coppery-bellied Puffleg

Eriocnemis cupreoventris
Spanish name: Calzoncitos Cobrizo

Size: 4.8 in | 12.2 cm
Habitat: Cloud forests with dense vegetation, including tall trees, shrubs, and a diverse array of flowering plants that provide nectar for their diet.
Height: 2900 - 3600 m

Photo: © Patrick Van ThulleBird S39196810Macaulay Library ML 69470441

Sapphire-vented Puffleg, Eriocnemis luciani, Calzoncitos Colilargo

Sapphire-vented Puffleg

Eriocnemis luciani
Spanish name: Calzoncitos Colilargo

Size: 4.8 in | 12.2 cm
Habitat: Montane cloud forests with dense vegetation, including tall trees, epiphytes, mosses, and a variety of flowering plants that provide nectar for their diet.
Height: 2900 - 3600 m

Photo: © David Marques eBird S50717491 Macaulay Library ML 131175901

Golden-breasted Puffleg

Eriocnemis mosquera
Spanish name: Calzoncitos Áureo

Size: 4.5 in | 11.4 cm
Habitat: Dense, humid cloud forests with a diverse array of vegetation, including tall trees, epiphytes, mosses, and a variety of flowering plants that provide nectar, which is the primary food source for these hummingbirds.
Height: 2500 - 3600 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon

Colorful-puffleg, Eriocnemis mirabilis, Calzoncitos de Munchique

Colorful Puffleg

Eriocnemis mirabilis
Spanish name: Calzoncitos de Munchique

Size: 3.3 in | 8.4 cm
Habitat: Montane cloud forests at high altitudes, tall trees, epiphytes, mosses, and various flowering plants.
Height: 2200 - 2800 m

Photo: © Nigel Voaden eBird S18312247 Macaulay Library ML 45289601

Emerald-bellied Puffleg, Eriocnemis aline, Calzoncitos Diminuto

Emerald-bellied Puffleg

Eriocnemis aline
Spanish name: Calzoncitos Diminuto

Size: 3 in | 7.6 cm
Habitat: Montane cloud forests of the Andes Mountains. Dense vegetation, tall trees, epiphytes, mosses, and a variety of flowering plants.
Height: 1600 - 2800 m

Photo: © Peter Hawrylyshyn eBird S17279519 Macaulay Library ML 57330971

Shinning Sunbeam

Aglaeactis cupripennis
Spanish name: Colibrí Paramuno

Size: 4.5 in | 11.4 cm
Habitat: High-altitude montane and cloud forests in the Andes mountain range.
Height: 2600 - 3600 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon

Bronzy Inca

Coeligena coeligena
Spanish name: Inca Bronceado

Size: 4.5 in | 11.4 cm
Habitat: The cool temperatures and high humidity of montane forests provide an ideal habitat for the Bronzy Inca.
Height: 1400 - 2600 m

Photo: © Andres Vasquez Noboa eBird S50429001 Macaulay Library ML 262855041

Black Inca, Coeligena brunellei, Inca Negro

Black Inca

Coeligena brunellei
Spanish name: Inca Negro

Size: 4.5 in | 11.4 cm
Habitat: Montane cloud forests characterized by their high humidity and diverse plant life.
Height: 1400 - 2700 m

Photo: © Chantelle du Plessis (Andes EcoTours) eBird S32584449 Macaulay Library ML 40620201

Brown Inca, Coeligena Wilson, Inca Pardo

Brown Inca

Coeligena wilsoni
Spanish name: Inca Pardo

Size: 4.3 in | 11 cm
Habitat: Montane cloud forests characterized by their high humidity, lush vegetation, and diverse plant life.
Height: 700 - 2200 m

Photo: © Nigel Voaden eBird S18426320 Macaulay Library ML 56776941

Green inca, Coeligena conradii, Inca verde

Green Inca

Coeligena conradii
Spanish name: Inca verde

Size: 4.5 in | 11.4 cm
Habitat:Dense montane cloud forests with a diverse mix of vegetation. These forests have a multi-layered canopy and a rich understory of shrubs, ferns, and mosses.
Height: 2000 - 3000 m

Photo: © Margareta Wieser eBird S65129287 Macaulay Library ML 205431991

Collared Încă, Coeligena torquata, Încă Collarejo

Collared Inca

Coeligena torquata
Spanish name: Inca Collarejo

Size: 4.5 in | 11.4 cm
Habitat: Dense montane cloud forests with a diverse array of vegetation. These forests have a multi-layered canopy and a rich understory of shrubs, ferns, and mosses.
Height: 1500 - 3000 m

Photo: © Luis A. Materon