Pale-tailed Barbthroat, Threnetes leucurus, Ermitaño Coliblanco

Pale-tailed Barbthroat

Threnetes leucurus
Ermitaño Coliblanco

distribution of the pale-tailed-barbthroat


The Pale-tailed Barbthroat (Threnetes leucurus) Read in Spanish

Appearance: The Pale-Tailed Barbthroat is a medium-sized hummingbird known for its distinctive features. It has a striking pale-colored tail, which contrasts with its dark, iridescent green upperparts and whitish underparts. The bill of the Pale-Tailed Barbthroat is slightly curved and slender, adapted for feeding on nectar from flowers.

Habitat: The Pale-Tailed Barbthroat can be found inhabiting a variety of forested habitats, including humid and montane forests, as well as forest edges and secondary growth. These areas provide the necessary cover and nectar sources for the species to thrive.

Behavior: The Pale-Tailed Barbthroat is known for its secretive and solitary nature, often foraging alone or in pairs. It spends much of its time flitting among the dense vegetation in search of nectar and small insects. This species is also territorial, with males defending their feeding territories vigorously.

Breeding: Breeding behavior in the Pale-Tailed Barbthroat typically involves courtship displays by males to attract females. The female constructs a compact cup-shaped nest from plant fibers, leaves, and spiderwebs, where she lays usually two white eggs. Incubation and care of the young are primarily the female's responsibility.

Conservation Status: The conservation status of the Pale-tailed Hermit is currently categorized as "Least Concern" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).


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The Pale-tailed Barbthroat (latin)

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves (Birds)
  • Order: Caprimulgiformes
  • Family: Trochilidae
  • Genus: Threnetes
  • Species: Threnetes leucurus
  • Subpecies: Threnetes (leucurus) leucurus in the Amazon Region and East Colombia


The Pale-tailed Barbthroat (Threnetes leucurus) is another species of hummingbird found in Colombia in the East specifically in the Amazon Region. Like its close relative, the Band-tailed Barbthroat, the vocalizations of the Pale-tailed Barbthroat consist of a variety of chirps, trills, buzzes, and whistles. These vocalizations play important roles in communication, including territory defense, courtship, and alarm calls.
During the breeding season, male Pale-tailed Barbthroats may use their vocalizations to attract females and establish their territories. They may perform elaborate aerial displays while vocalizing to demonstrate their fitness and attract a mate. The specific sounds produced by the Pale-tailed Barbthroat can vary both within and between individuals, and some of the calls may be beyond the range of human hearing.