9 Species currently existing - 2 in region

Southern storm petrels comprise several species of storm petrels that are primarily found in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly in subantarctic and Antarctic waters. These birds are part of the Hydrobatidae family and are known for their remarkable resilience and adaptations to the harsh marine environment of the southern oceans.

Habitat and Distribution: Southern storm petrels are pelagic, spending most of their lives at sea. They are rarely seen on land, except during the breeding season when they come ashore to nest in colonies on remote islands. Their habitat ranges from the open ocean to the edges of the Antarctic pack ice, depending on the species. These birds are known for their long migrations, with some species, like the Wilson’s Storm Petrel, making incredible journeys from their Antarctic breeding sites to northern waters each year. Adaptations to the Southern Ocean:

Thermoregulation: Southern storm petrels have adaptations for thermoregulation that allow them to maintain their body temperature in the cold conditions of the Southern Ocean.

Feeding Behavior: They feed on a diet that includes fish, squid, and crustaceans, as well as the oily residues found on the surface of the water. Their ability to skim the ocean’s surface while in flight allows them to feed efficiently in the open water.

Nesting: These birds nest in colonies on isolated, often rugged islands where they lay their eggs in burrows or crevices protected from the harsh weather. This nesting strategy helps protect their young from the cold temperatures and predators.

Climate Change: The changing climate and its impact on sea temperatures and weather patterns can affect food availability and breeding habitats.

White-vented Storm-petrel (Elliot’s), Oceanites gracilis, Paiño de Elliot

White-vented Storm-petrel (Elliot’s)

Oceanites gracilis
Spanish Name: Paiño de Elliot

Size: 6.3 in | 16 cm
Habitat: Ocean waters

Photo: ©  Brian Sullivan eBird S38106279 Macaulay Library ML 64386771

White-faced Storm-petrel, Pelagrodoma marina, Paiño Cariblanco

White-faced Storm-petrel

Pelagrodoma marina
Spanish Name: Paiño Cariblanco

Size: 8 in | 20 cm
Habitat: Ocean waters

Photo: © Jeremiah Trimble eBird S24874216 Macaulay Library ML 61994341

White-bellied Storm-petrel

Fregetta grallaria
Spanish Name: Paiño Ventriblanco

Size: 7 in | 18 cm
Habitat: Ocean waters

Photo: © Noah Strycker eBird S44464073 Macaulay Library ML 96589041