Ecuadorian Ground-dove, Tortolita Ecuatoriana

Ecuadorian Ground-dove

Columbina buckleyi
Tortolita Ecuatoriana

distribution of the Ecuadorian ground dove


The Ecuadorian Ground-Dove (Columbina buckleyi) Read in Spanish

Appearance: The Ecuadorian Ground-Dove is a small, stocky dove with a subtle yet beautiful appearance. It has a grey-brown plumage with a distinctive chestnut patch on the wings. The head and neck are a lighter grey, and the underparts are a pale buff or pinkish color. The eyes are red, and the legs are pink. This species possesses a short, squared tail and a delicate bill.

Habitat: The Ecuadorian Ground-Dove occupies a range of habitats in Colombia, including dry forests, scrublands, grasslands, and agricultural areas. They are commonly found in arid or semi-arid regions with sparse vegetation and open spaces. These doves prefer habitats with access to water sources for drinking and bathing.

Behavior: Ecuadorian Ground-Doves are primarily ground-dwelling birds that forage for seeds, grains, and small invertebrates on the ground. They move about in pairs or small groups, often walking or running rather than flying. When disturbed, they may take cover quickly or flush into nearby vegetation. These doves are generally inconspicuous and blend well with their surroundings.

Breeding: During the breeding season, Ecuadorian Ground-Doves engage in courtship displays that may include vocalizations, posturing, and chasing behaviors. The female typically constructs a nest on the ground or in low vegetation using twigs, leaves, and other plant materials. The female lays one or two white eggs, which are then incubated by both parents. Both parents take turns feeding and caring for the young birds until they fledge.

Conservation Status: The conservation status of the Ecuadorian Ground-Dove in Colombia is currently listed as "Vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 




The (Columba livia)

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves (Birds)
  • Order: Columbiformes
  • Family: Columbidae
  • Genus: C
  • Species: C

