Etimology Greek
Most of the 754 genera of birds of Colombia have their etimological roots from Old Greek. Few are derived from Latin, last names or places. Some genera have indigenous roots such as Brazilian Tupi (Ara, Toucan, Tangara, Piranga) or from Mexican Nahuatl roots (Colibri). Whereas the species are mostly derived from Latin, or combination Latin-Greek, or latinized forms of names or places. Both genus and species should be written in italics.
Greek - Griego
Genus | Root | English | Spanish |
Acropternis | akros | pointed | puntudo |
Acropternis | pterne | wings | alas |
Aegolius | aigolios | bird of bad omen | ave de mal agüero |
Aglaiocercus | aglaia | splendor | esplendor |
Amaurospiza | amauros | dark | oscuro |
Amaurospiza | spiza | sparrow | pinzón, gorrión |
Ammodramos | ammos | desert | desierto |
Ammodramos | ammos | desert | desierto |
Ammodramos | dromos | corridor | corredor |
Anabacerthia | anabates | climber | trepador |
Anairetes | anairetes | destroyer | destructor |
Anas | anas | duck | pato |
Ancistropus | ankistron | hook | anzuelo |
Anisognathus | anisos | unequal | desigual |
Anisognathus | gnathos | lower jaw | mandíbula inferior |
Anous | anous | dumb | tonto |
Anurolimnas | an | without | sin |
Aphanotriccus | aphanes | invisible | invisible |
Aphriza | aphros | sea foam | espuma de mar |
Aramus | aramus | heron | garza |
Aramus | aramus | heron | garza |
Arremonops | arrhemon | silent, quite | silencioso |
Arremonops | ops | resembling | con apariencia de |
Asthenes | asthenes | weak | débil |
Atalotriccus | atalos | delicate | delicado |
Atlapetes | atlapetes | bird of Atlas | ave del Atlas |
Atlapetes | petes | bird | ave |
Aulacorhynchus | aulax | furrow | surco |
Automolos | automolos | desertor | desertor |
Basileuteros | basileus | regal | realeza |
Bolborhynchus | bolbos | bulb | bulbo |
Bombycilla | bombux | silk | seda |
Bombycilla | cilla | tail | cola |
Brotogeris | brotegerus | human voice | voz humana |
Calidris | kalidris | gray bird | ave gris |
Calliphlox | kalliphlox | beautiful fire | fuego hermoso |
Calliphlox | phlox | fire | fire |
Campephilus | kampe | caterpillar | oruga |
Campephilus | philus | friend | amante |
Camptostoma | kamptos | curved | curvado |
Capsiempis | kapto | swallow | tragar |
Caryothraustes | karoun | nut | nuez |
Caryothraustes | threnetia | shredder | triturador |
Catamenia | katamenia | menstrual | monthly |
Catharus | katharos | clear, pure | limpio, puro |
Cephalopterus | kephalos | head | cabeza |
Cephalopterus | pteros | heel | tacón |
Ceratopipra | keras, keratos | horn | cuerno |
Cercibis | ibis | ibis | ibis |
Certhiaxis | kerkhos | creeper | ave trepadora |
Chaetocercus | kaithe | hair | pelo |
Chalybura | khalyps | steel | acero |
Chalybura | oura, uro, ourus | tail | cola |
Chamaeza | khamaze | on the soil | en la tierra |
Chartocerus | karthe | hair | pelo |
Chauna | khaunos | spongy | esponjoso, poroso |
Chelidoptera | khelidon | swallow | golondrina |
Chiroxiphia | kheir (chiro) | hand | mano |
Chlorochrysa | khrysos | golden | dorado |
Chlorochrysa | kloros | green | verde |
Chloropipo | pipo | woodpecker | carpintero |
Chlorospingus | khloros | green | verde |
Chlorospingus | spingos | hammer | martillo |
Chondrohierax | hierax | hawk | halcón |
Chondrohierax | khodros | thick | grueso |
Chordeiles | deile | dusk, sunset | atardecer |
Chordeiles | khoreia | dance | bailar |
Chrysomus | krysos | gold | oro |
Cicccaba | kikkab, ciccaba | owl | búho |
Cichlopsis | opsis | looks like | que se parece |
Circus | kirkus | circle | círculo |
Cistothorus | kisthos | bush | matorral |
Cistothorus | thouros | that jumps | que salta |
Clytactentes | klutus | prestigious | insigne |
Clytactentes | nantes | assassin | asesino |
Cnemotriccus | knemos | mountain | montaña |
Cnemotriccus | triccus | flycatcher | atrapamoscas |
Coccyzus | coccys | squat | cuclillo |
Colaptes | dendrokolaptes | woodpecker | pájaro carpintero |
Contopus | kontos | sick | palo |
Corapipo | kore | puppet | títere |
Cranioleura | kranion | skull | cráneo |
Crax | kras | head | cabeza |
Creagrus | kreas | meat | carne |
Crotophaga | kroton | tick | garrapata |
Cryptorellus | kryptos | hidden | oculto |
Cyanocompsa | kompsos | elegant | elegante |
Cyanocorax | korax | crow | cuervo |
Cyanocorax | kyanos | dark blue | azul oscuro |
Cyphorhinus | kyphos | curved | curvo |
Daptrius | daptes | eater | comedor |
Dekonychura | deka | ten | díez |
Dendroexetaste | dendron | tree | árbol |
Dendroexetaste | exetastes | examine | examinador |
Dendroica | oikos | live, inhabit | vivir, habitar |
Deroptyus | dera - dero | neck, throat | cuello |
Dixiphia | di | two | dos |
Dolichonix | dolikhos | long | largo |
Dolichonix | onyx | nail | uña |
Doliornis | dolius | astute | astuto |
Donacobios | bios | life | vida |
Donacobios | donax | bush | carrizo |
Doryfera | doru | spear | lanza |
Doryfera | phero, phoro | that bears | que lleva |
Drymotoxeres | drymos | forest | bosque |
Dysithamos | dyo | jump | saltar |
Elaenia | elaineos | olive | oliva |
Elanus | elanus | Milano | Milan |
Empidonax | anax | teacher | maestro |
Empidonax | empis | mosquito | mosquito |
Empidonomus | nomos | that feeds on | que se alimenta |
Entomodestes | edestes | that eats | que come |
Erythropus | erythros | red | rojo |
Erythropus | pous | feet | patas |
Euphonia | eu | good | bueno, excelente |
Eurypygia | eurus | wide | amplio |
Eutoxeres | toxeres | arched | archeado |
Geotlypis | geo | earth | tierra |
Geotlypis | thlypis | small bird | ave pequeña |
Geotrygon | treron | dove | paloma |
Geranoaetus | geranos | seagull | grulla |
Glaucidium | glaukidion | small owl | búho pequeño |
Glaucis | glaukos | pale green, greyish blue | gris-azul, glauco |
Glyphorynchus | glypho | record | grabar |
Gymnomystax | gymnus | naked | desnudo |
Gymnomystax | mystax | moustache | bigote |
Gymnopithys | pithys | ant-eater | hormiguero |
Hapalopsittaca | hapalos | delicate | delicado |
Heliangelus | angelos | angel | ángel |
Helioangelus | helios | sun | sol |
Heliodoxa | doxa | glory | gloria |
Hemitriccus | hemi | half, reduced | mitad, pequeño |
Henicorhina | henikos | unique | único |
Henicorhina | rhinos | nose | nariz |
Heterocercus | heteros | different | diferente |
Hydropogne | hydro | water | agua |
Hylocichla | hyle | forest, jungle | bosque, selva |
Hypopyrrhus | hypo | under | debajo |
Ibycter | ibukter | war-song singer | cantante de guerra |
Icterus | ikteros | yellow | amarillo |
Ictinia | iktinia | goshawk | azor, milano |
Iridosornis | iris | rainbow | iris |
Ixobrychus | brukhomai | lower parts | partes inferiores |
Ixobrychus | ixias | similar | similar |
Knipolegus | knips | insect | insecto |
Knipolegus | lego | catch | atrapar |
Larosterna | laros | sea raptor | ave rapaz marina |
Leptosittaca | leptos | slender, thin | esbelto, delgado, fino |
Leptosittaca | psittake | parrot | loro |
Leptosittaca | sittake | related to wookpecker | como el carpintero |
Lophothrix | trix | owl | buho |
Lophotriccus | lophos | crest | cresta |
Lophotriccus | triccus | flycatcher | atrapamoscas |
Lurocalis | kolos, kalis | badly developed | mal desarrollado |
Machaeropterus | makhaira | knife | daga, cuchillo |
Machaeropterus | pterux | winged | alado |
Machetornis | makhetes | fighter, warrior | luchador, guerrero |
Macroagelarius | agelaios | gregarious | gregario |
Macroagelarius | makros | long | largo |
Malacoptila | malakos | soft | suave |
Margarornis | margaron | pearls | perlas |
Mecocerculus | mekos | long | largo |
Megarynchus | mega | grande | grande |
Melanerpes | herpes | creeper | trepador |
Melanerpes | melas | black | negro |
Melanopogus | melania | black | negro |
Melanopogus | pogon | beard | barba |
Melanotus | notos | back | espalda |
Mesembrinibis | mesembrinus | meridian | meridional, del sur |
Metopothrix | metopon | fruit | fruta |
Metopothrix | thrix | hair, feather | pelo, pluma |
Metriopelia | peleia | dove | paloma |
Micrastur | astur | goshawk | azor |
Microbates | bates | walker | caminante |
Micromonacha | mikros | small | pequeño |
Micromonacha | monakhos | monk | monje |
Micropygia | pyge, pyga | huip | rabadilla |
Mionecte | meionektes | small | pequeño |
Mniotilta | mnion | moss | musgo |
Mniotilta | tillo | capture | capturar |
Molothrus | molos | battle | batalla |
Molothrus | throsko | beget | engendrar |
Mycteria | mukter | mouth | hocico |
Myioborus | boros | that devours | que devora |
Myiodynastes | dynastes | prince, ruler | soberano, príncipe |
Myiophobus | myia - myio | fly | mosca |
Myiophobus | phobos | flame | flama, llama |
Myiotheretes | myotheras | flycatcher | cazador de moscas |
Myiotheretes | theretes | hunt | cazar |
Myiozetetes | zeteo | that looks for | que busca |
Myornis | mys - mus | mouse | ratón |
Nematura | nematus | thread | hilo |
Neochen | khen | goose | ganso |
Neocrex | krex | a ralid bird | rálido, gallineta, focha |
Neocrex, Neochen | neos | new | nuevo |
Neomorphus | morphe | apperance | aparición |
Neopelma | pelma | foot sole | planta del pie |
Netta | netta | duck | pato |
Nomonix | nomao | that has | que posee |
Notharchus | arkhos | leader, boss | guía, jefe |
Notharchus | nothes | slow | lento |
Nothocercus | nothos | false | falso |
Numenius | mene | moon | luna |
Nyctiohrinus | phryne | toad | sapo |
Nyctipolus | nykti | night | noche |
Nyctipolus | polos | vagabond | vagabundo |
Oceanodroma | okeanos | ocean | océano |
Odontophorus | odontophoros | with teeth | con dientes |
Ognorhynchus | ogmos | wrinkle | arruga |
Onychoprion | prion | saw | sierra |
Opornis | opora | autumn | otoño |
Opornis | ornis | bird | ave |
Oreothraupis | oros | mountain | montaña |
Oreothraupis | thraupis | tanager (small bird) | tángara |
Ortalis | ortalis | hen, chicken | gallina, pollo |
Orthonix | orthos | straight | derecho, erguido |
Oxyura | oxus | sharpened | afilado |
Patagioenas | oinas | dove | paloma |
Patagioenas | oinas | dove | paloma |
Patagioenas | patageo | noise | ruido |
Petrochelidion | petros | rock | roca |
Phacellodomus | phakellos | bunch of twigs | manojo de ramitas |
Phaeothlypis | phaeo | brown | café |
Phaethon | phaeton | sun | sol |
Phalacrocorax | phalakros | bald | calvo |
Phalaropus | phalaris | coot | focha |
Pheucticus | pheugo | flee | huir |
Pheugopedius | pedion | plain | llanura |
Philomachus | makhomai | to fight | pelear |
Phimosus | phimus | harness | cabestro, bozal |
Phoebastria | phoebastria | oracle | profetisa |
Phoenicircus | phoenikeos | deep red | carmesí |
Phoenicomitra | mitra | crown, lace | capucha, coronilla |
Phoenicomitra | phoeinix | red | rojo |
Pilherodius | erodius | heron | garza |
Pilherodius | pilos | crown | copete |
Pipreola, Ceratopipra | pipra – pipreola | small bird | ave pequeña |
Platyrhynchus | platus | wide | ancho |
Poecilotriccus | poikilos | stained | manchado |
Polioptila | polios | gray | gris |
Polioptila | ptilon | plumage, feather | plumaje, pluma |
Porphyrolaema | laimos | throat | garganta |
Porphyrolaema | pyrphyra | purple | purpura |
Procnias | Procnias | transformed into a sparrow | Gr. Mitology |
Promeropirhynchus | merops | bee eater | que come abejas |
Promeropirhynchus | pro | trunk | tronco |
Promeropirhynchus | rhynkhos | beak | pico |
Psarocolius | koloios | jackdaw | grajilla |
Psarocolius | psar | stornino | sturnus, starling |
Pseudoscops | pseudos | false | falso |
Pseudoscops | scops | owl | buho |
Psittacara | kara | head | cabeza |
Pyrrhura | pyrrhos | red | rojo |
Ramphocaenos | kainos | foreign | extraño |
Ramphocaenos | rhampos | bill, beak | pico |
Rhodinocichla | kikhle (kh=ch) | water thrush | mirlo acuático |
Rhodinocichla | rhodinos | rose | rosa |
Rhynchocyclus | kyklos | ring | anillo, circular |
Rostrhamus | hamus | hook | gancho |
Rostrhamus | rostrum | beak | pico |
Sarkidiornis | sarkidion | a tiny piece of meat | carnitas |
Scytalopus | skytaleo | stick | palo, garrote |
Selenidera | selene | moon | luna |
Sethophaga | phagos | feeds on | que come |
Sethophaga | seto | silverfish | polilla |
Siptornis | sipte-sippe-sitte | silverfish | polilla |
Skleurus | skleros | rigid | rígido |
Sphyrapicus | pikos | guard | vigilante |
Sphyrapicus | sphyra | wedged-wing | aletas acuñadas |
Spizaetus | aetos | eagle | águila |
Spizelloides | oides | that resembles | que se parece |
Sporophila | sporos | seed | semilla |
Stelgidopterix | stelgis | scraper | raspador |
Stictolaemus | stiktos | stained | manchado |
Streptoprocne | atrepto | chain | cadena |
Streptoprocne | progne | similar | similar |
Synallaxis | syn | to shorten | acortar |
Syndactyla | daktylos | fingers | dedos |
Syrigma | syrigma | whistle | silvar |
Syristes | sirystes | flute player | flautista |
Tachybaptus | baptos | jump | salto |
Tachybaptus | takhus | fast | rápido |
Tachycineta | kinetos | movement | movimiento |
Tachycineta | takhukinetos | moves fast | que se mueve rápido |
Thalasseus | thalasseus | fisher | pescador |
Thalurania | ouranos | heaven | cielo |
Thalurania | thalus | son | hijo |
Thectocercus | kerkos | tail | cola |
Thectocercus | thektos | pointed | puntudo |
Theristicus | theriscos | harvest | cosecha |
Tiaris | tiaris | crown | tiara, coronaa |
Tigrisoma | soma | body | cuerpo |
Tigrisoma | tigris | tiger | tigre |
Todirostrum | todus | small bird | ave pequeña |
Tolmomylas | tolmos | daring | audaz, osado |
Tordus | kikhle | thrush | tordo |
Trogon | trogon | fruit-eater | que come fruta |
Tyrannus | tyrannus | tyrant | tirano |
Tyto | tyto | owl | buho |
Uropsalis | psalis | scissors | tijeras |
Xenops | xenos | foreign | extraño |
Xiphocolaptes | kolaptes | chisel | cincelar |
Xiphocolaptes | xiphos | spade | espada |
Xipholene | olene | forearm | antebrazo |
Zentrygon | tri | three | tres |
Zonotrichia | zone | collar | collar |