Etimology Latin
Most of the 754 genera of birds of Colombia have their etimological roots from Old Greek. Few are derived from Latin, last names or places. Some genera have indigenous roots such as Brazilian Tupi (Ara, Toucan, Tangara, Piranga) or from Mexican Nahuatl roots (Colibri). Whereas the species are mostly derived from Latin, or combination Latin-Greek, or latinized forms of names or places. Both genus and species should be written in italics.
Latin | English | Spanish |
accipitrinus | hawk-like | como halcón |
affinis | resembles | afin |
ago | resembles | similar a |
ala | armpit | axila |
albidus | whitish | blancuzco |
albus | white | blanco |
anas | duck | pato |
angolensis | of Angola | de Angola |
angustus | narrow | angosto |
anthrax | charcoal | carbón |
arcuatus | arched | arqueado |
ardesiacus | slate color | color tizne |
arius | dedicated to | dedicado a |
armatus | armada | armada |
arundo | reeds | juncos |
asio | big-earled owl | búho orejudo |
assimilis | resembling | que se parece |
ater | black | negro |
atratus | funeral dress, black | vestido de luto, negro |
audax | daring | audaz |
aurantia | orange | naranja |
auranticus | orange | anaranjado |
aureus | golden | dorado |
aurum | golden | dorado |
automnalis | of autumn | del otoño |
basilicus | magnificent | magnífico |
bicolor | of two colors | bicolor |
bogotanensis | of Bogota | de Bogotá |
bombus | bumble | zumbador |
boros | devours | devorador |
bracteatus | golden | dorado |
brasiliensis | Brazilian | brasileño |
brevis | short | corto |
brunnescens | brownish | cafesoso |
brunneus | brown | café |
bubo | owl | buho |
caerulescens | bluish | azuloso |
cairina | of Cairo | de El Cairo |
campanisoma | sounds like a bell | suena como campana |
canus | grey | gris |
capere | tra | atrapar |
capillus | head hair | pelo de la cabeza |
caput | head | cabeza |
castaneus | brown | castaño |
cedrorum | of the cedar | del cedro |
ceps | head | coronilla, cabeza |
chalybea | steel-like | similar al acero |
charadius | yellowish bird | ave amarillenta |
cilla | tail | cola |
cinclus | thrush | tordo |
cincta | bands | bandas |
cinereus | ash color | color ceniza |
cinnamomeus | cinnamon | acanelado |
citreus | yellowish-greenish | citrino (amarillo verdoso) |
clamatus | shrills | gritón |
coelestis | heavenly | celestial |
coeli | heaven | cielo |
cola | inhabitant | habitante |
collis, collaris | neck, of neck | cuello, de cuello |
coloratus | pigmented | pigmentado |
concinnus | elegant, organized | elegante, ordenado |
concolor | uniformly colored | de color uniforme |
conis | cone | cono |
conspicillum | with glasses | con gafas |
cornutus | horny | cornado |
coruscans | bright | brillante, centelleante |
corvinus-a | crow, crow-like | cuervo |
coturnis | cornish hen | codorniz |
crassus | thick | grueso |
crinis | hair | pelo |
crinitus | of long feathers | de plumas largas |
cristatus | crested | crestado |
culex | mosquito | mosquito |
cunicularia | that hides | escondidizo |
cupreus | cupper-like color | cobrizo |
curtatus | shortened | acortado |
cyaneus | dark blue | azul oscuro |
cygnus | swan | cisne |
cymba | boat | bote |
deliciosus | delicate | delicado |
discors | different | diferente |
dorsalis | of the back | de la espada |
dorsum | back | espalda |
dumetum | brush, bush | maleza, matorral |
ecaudatus | without tail | sin cola |
erythros | red | rojo |
euphonia | of excellent tune | de excellente tono |
ex | without | carente |
excelsior | renown | eminente, reconocido |
exortus | dusk | amanecer |
exsul | exiled | exiliado |
farinosus | flour-like | harinoso |
fer | that has | que lleva |
ferox | wild | feroz, salvaje |
festivus | happy | alegre |
fimbriatus | fringes, bangs | con flecos |
flammulatus | flamed-marked | marcas como llamas |
flaveola-us | golden | dorado |
flavus | yellow | amarillo |
fluvius | river | rio |
foetidus | stinky | fétido |
formica | ant | hormiga |
formosa | beautiful | hermosa |
frenatus | mustache | bigote |
frons | front | frent |
fulica | coot | focha |
fuliginosus | ashy color | hollinoso |
fulvus | lionated-color | color leonado |
funereal | mournful | fúnebre |
furcatus | bifurcated | bifurcado |
furnarius | baker | panadero |
fuscater | blackish | negruzco |
fuscus | dark | oscuro, moreno |
fuscus | dark | oscuro |
gallina | hen | gallina |
garrulous | too much talk | parloteo |
gaster | womb | vientre |
gena | born | nacido |
ger, gerere | that makes | que lleva |
gilvus | pale yellow | amarillo pálido |
globulus | globule | glóbulo |
gluttatus | with spots | moteado |
grallarius | wader | ave zancuda |
griseus | grey | gris |
gula | throat | garganta |
gula, gularis | throat | garganta, de garganta |
guttatus | pointed | punteado |
guttula | small point | pequeño punto |
guttur | throat | garganta |
hasitata | dives fast | que clava rápido |
hirsutus | hairy | peludo |
hirundo | swallow | golondrina |
holos | complete, whole | complete, entero |
humeralis | of the should | del hombro |
iaculus | fast | rápido |
ignobilis | not famous, ordinary | sin fama, ordinario |
in | without | sin |
incertae sedis | of uncertain placement | de ubicación incierta |
incundus | charming | encantador |
infuscatus | obscure | oscuro |
ingens | big, large | grande, enorme |
jugularis | throat | garganta |
kelainos | black | negro |
lachrymosus | tearful | lagrimoso |
lanceolatus | spear-like | en forma de lanza |
laniare | cut | desgarrar, trozar |
lanius | butcher | carnicero |
latebra | hidden place | lugar escondido |
latrans | bark | ladrido |
latus-lati | wide | ancho, amplio |
limnas | bars | barras |
lineatus | lineated | marcado con líneas |
longus | long | largo |
luctuosus-a | mournful | de luto |
ludovicius | Luis | Luis |
lupinus | fox | zorro |
luteus | yellow | amarillo |
macula | stain | mancha |
maculatus | stained | manchado |
maculosus | stained | manchado |
major | major | mayor |
manus | hand | mano |
margaritaceous | pearled | perlado |
maximus | maximum | el más grande |
melancholicus | melancholic | de mal carácter |
melas | black | negro |
mendiculus | miserable | miserable, mezquino |
menstruus | menstrual | menstrual |
mentalis | mind, intellect | mente, razón |
mentum | chin | mentón |
merula | black bird | ave negra |
methopon | front | frente |
mimus | mockingbird | sinsonte |
miniatus | dark orange color | bermellón |
minimus | small | pequeño |
minor | minor | menor |
minutus | small | pequeño |
mirla | thrush | mirla |
moesta | sad | triste |
molos | battle | batalla |
moschata | of Moscow | de Moscú |
murinus | slate grey | gris ratón |
musca | fly | mosca |
muscicapa | flycatcher | atrapamoscas |
mustelinus | weasel | como comadreja |
naevius | spotted, stained | manchado |
nasica | long-nosed | de nariz larga |
neogranadiensis | of Nueva Granada | de la Nueva Granada |
niger | black | negro |
nigricans | blackish | negruzco |
nitens | bright | brillante |
nobilis | known | conocido, célebre |
notos | back | espalda |
nubis | cloud | nube |
nucha | neck | nuca |
nudus | naked | desnudo |
obsoletus | obsolete | obsoleto |
ocellatus | ocelot-like | ocelado |
ochilus | semicircle | semicírculo |
ogne | swallow | golondrina |
oides | looks like | que se parece |
olagineous | olive | oliváceo |
olivaceus | olive color | color oliva |
ondulatus | wavy | ondulado |
opacus | opaque | opaco |
ornatus | ornated | adornado |
oryza | rice | arroz |
palliatus | capped | encapotado |
parus – pareola | tit | herrerillo |
passerines | like a sparrow | similar a un gorrión |
pectus | breast | pecho |
pelleus | crown | coronilla |
pennis | winged | alado |
peregrinus | vagabond | vagabundo |
pernix | agile | ágil |
perspicax | of sharp vision | de vista aguda |
pes | feet | patas |
petros | stone | roca |
phalerata | with medallions | adornado con medallones |
phasianus | small pheasant | faisán |
pica | grackle | urraca |
picillatus | with glasses | con anteojos |
pilare | depilate | depillar |
pileatus | crowned | capucha |
pileus | crown | coronilla |
pipilo | chirp, twit | gorjear, piar |
pipo | that jumps | saltarín |
platalea | spatula | espatúla |
plesso | hit | golpear |
plumbea | lead color | plomizo |
podex – podicis | anus | ano, cloaca |
porphyrio | gallinule of swamps | gallina de pantano |
procela | storm | tormenta |
procurvus | front curved | curvado hacia delante |
propinquus | related, similar | similar |
pudicus | humble | modesto |
pulsator, pulsatrix | beat, mix | batir |
pumila | tiny | diminuto |
punctatus | pointed | punteado |
punctus | spot | mancha |
punicea | purple | púrpura |
purpurata | purple | púrpura |
pusilllus | very small | muy pequeño |
pygios | hip | rabadilla |
querulous | noisy | ruidoso |
riparius | by the rivers | de los ríos |
rixosus | bullish, fighter | pendenciero, reñidor |
roseus | pink | rosado |
rostris | bill, beak | pico |
rostrum | bill, beak | pico |
rubiginosus | reddish | rojizo |
rufus | reddish | rojizo, ocre |
rupes | rock | roca |
rupestris | that live in the rocks | de las rocas |
rusticus-a | rustic, simple | rustic |
rutilans | bright red | rojizo brillante |
rutilus | brownish red | rojo, castaño |
rutilus | red | rojo |
saltator | hopper, jumper | bailarín |
sanctus | saint | santo |
savannarun | of the savanna | de la savana |
schistaceus | grey slate | gris pizarra |
scutatus | coat-of-arms like | como escudo |
semi | half | medio |
senilis | old age | senil |
serranus | range, mountain | sierra, cordillera |
severus | severe | severo, cruel |
signatus | unique | inconfundible |
spectabilis | spectacular | notable |
squama | scale | escama |
stellatus | starry | estrellado |
strepto | chain | collar, cadena |
strigilatus | streaked | rayado |
stygius | hellish | infernal |
sub | somewhat | algo |
subalaris | under the wings | debajo de las alas |
subulatus | shoemaker needle | punzón de zapatero |
sulcus | ridge | surco |
sulphuratus | sulfur-like color | color azufrado |
sumptuosus | sumptuous | suntuoso |
susurrans | whisper | susurro |
taciturnus | quiet | silencioso |
tenue | weak | débil |
tenuies | outstanding | esbelto |
thorax | chest | pecho |
thoraxicus | pectoral | pectoral |
thrix | hair | pelo |
throsko | beget | engendrar |
tiaris | tiara | triara, corona |
tomentum | filled | relleno |
torques | neck | cuello |
torridus | burnt | quemado |
triangularis | triangular | triangular |
tuberculum | swollen | hinchazón, chichón |
turdus | thrash | mirla |
tyranninus | like a flycatcher | como un atrapamoscas |
tyranus | aggressive, tyrant | agresivo, tirano |
uni | only | solamente |
unicolor | unicolor | unicolor |
vanellus | cold bird | ave fría |
variegatus | variegated | jaspeado |
various | several, diverse | varios |
venter | womb | vientre |
ventris | of the womb | del vientre |
vertex | crow | coronilla |
vicinior | near, neighbor | cercano, próximo |
violaceus | violet color | color violeta |
virens | green | verde |
vireo | small bird | ave pequeña |
virescens | greenish | verdoso |
virga | streak | estría, raya |
viridicatus | green | verde |
vitreolus | crystal-like | vítreo, cristal |
vociferans | vociferous | vocífero |
volatus | flyer | volador |
vorus | that feeds on | que come |