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Gray-headed Chachalaca

Ortalis cinereiceps
Guacharaca del Chocó


Gray-headed Chachalaca

Appearance: The Gray-headed Chachalaca (Ortalis cinereiceps) is a medium-sized bird with a distinctive appearance characterized by: 
  • Gray head, neck, and breast.
  • Brownish wings and back. 
  • Rufous underparts. Long, broad tail. 
  • Red facial skin around the eye. 
  • Short crest on the head. 
Habitat: Gray-headed Chachalacas are found in a variety of habitats, including: Tropical and subtropical forests. Woodlands. Forest edges. Scrublands. They are often seen in mountainous regions and lower elevations where dense vegetation provides adequate cover. 
Behavior: They are typically social birds, often seen in small groups or family units. Their diet consists mainly of fruits, seeds, and insects. They are active during the day, foraging on the ground and in trees. Their vocalizations are loud and raucous, often heard at dawn and dusk. 
Breeding: Gray-headed Chachalacas build flimsy nests made of twigs and leaves in trees or shrubs. Females lay 2-3 eggs, which are then incubated for about 3 weeks. Both parents participate in incubating the eggs and caring for the young after hatching. 
Conservation Status: The conservation status of the Gray-headed Chachalaca in Colombia is generally considered to be of least concern. However, like many bird species, they face threats such as habitat loss due to deforestation, hunting, and potentially climate change.


The distribution of the Gray-headed Chachalaca (Ortalis cinereiceps), is primarily limited to the Chocó biogeographic region in Colombia. This region is located in the western part of Colombia and encompasses parts of the departments of Chocó, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, and Risaralda. The Gray-headed Chachalaca is typically found in low to mid-altitude areas in humid forests and jungles within this region.
These birds are known for their distinctive plumage and are adapted to the tropical forest habitats of the Chocó region. They play a significant role in the region's ecosystems by contributing to seed dispersal and overall biodiversity.


The Gray-headed Chachalaca (Ortalis cinereiceps)
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves (Birds)
  • Order: Galliformes
  • Family: Cracidae
  • Genus: Ortalis 
  • Species: Ortalis cinereiceps


Chachalaca Call: The most characteristic call of the Gray-headed Chachalaca is a loud, repetitive vocalization that sounds like "cha-cha-LA-ca" or "cha-cha-lá". This call is often used to communicate with other members of the group and serves as a way to maintain contact while foraging or moving through the forest.
Agitated Call: When the bird is agitated or alarmed, it may emit a series of shorter, higher-pitched calls or squawks to alert others in the area of potential danger.
Clucking Sounds: Gray-headed Chachalacas can also produce clucking sounds, often used during social interactions or to maintain group cohesion.
Chattering Calls: These birds may engage in chattering calls that consist of rapid, repetitive vocalizations, which can serve various purposes such as signaling excitement or agitation.Whistling