Plain-breasted Ground-dove
by © Luis A. Materon

Plain-breasted Ground-dove, Columbina minuta

Plain-breasted Ground-dove

Columbina diminuta
Tortolita Diminuta

distribution of the plain-breasted ground-dove


The Plain-breasted Ground-dove (Columbina minuta) Read in Spanish

Appearance: The Plain-breasted Ground Dove (Columbina minuta) is a small, slender dove with a distinctive appearance. It features a plain, pinkish-grey plumage on the upperparts, a pale grey head, and a pinkish-buff breast that gives the species its name. The underparts are typically whitish or buff-colored, and the tail feathers may have white tips. This species has red legs, a red eye-ring, and black spots on the wings. Overall, the Plain-breasted Ground Dove has a subtle but elegant beauty.

Habitat: The Plain-breasted Ground Dove is found in a variety of habitats in Colombia, including open areas such as grasslands, savannas, agricultural lands, forest edges, riverbanks, and scrublands. These doves are adaptable and can thrive in both natural and human-altered landscapes. They are often spotted in lowland areas but can also occur at higher elevations in the Andean regions.

Behavior: Plain-breasted Ground Doves are typically seen foraging on the ground for seeds, grains, and small insects. They move about in pairs or small groups and are known to be ground-dwelling birds. These doves are generally shy and may take cover quickly when disturbed. Their flight is fast and direct with characteristic bursts of wingbeats followed by glides. 

Breeding: During the breeding season, Plain-breasted Ground Doves engage in courtship displays that involve both vocalizations and visual cues. Males may perform aerial displays or strut on the ground to attract females. The female typically constructs a flimsy nest made of twigs and leaves in a concealed location on the ground or in low vegetation. The female usually lays one or two white eggs, which are then incubated by both parents. Both parents participate in feeding and caring for the young birds.

Conservation Status: The conservation status of the Plain-breasted Ground Dove in Colombia is currently listed as "Least Concern" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 


The Plain-breasted Ground Dove (Columbina minuta)

Eastern Andes: The Plain-breasted Ground Dove is known to inhabit the Eastern Andes region of Colombia, which includes areas such as Meta, Casanare, and Boyacá departments. This species can be found in open habitats like grasslands, savannas, and agricultural areas at varying elevations within this region.

Magdalena Valley: The Plain-breasted Ground Dove is also present in the Magdalena Valley region of Colombia, which encompasses parts of the Tolima, Huila, and Cundinamarca departments. Within the Magdalena Valley, this species can be found in a range of habitats, including forest clearings, riverbanks, and agricultural lands.

Caribbean Coast: In Colombia's Caribbean Coast region, which includes departments such as Atlántico, Bolívar, and La Guajira, the Plain-breasted Ground Dove can be observed in habitats such as dry scrublands, mangroves, and coastal areas. This region provides suitable conditions for the species to thrive and breed.

Llanos: The Llanos region of Colombia, characterized by vast grasslands and wetland ecosystems, is another area where the Plain-breasted Ground Dove can be found. Departments such as Vichada, Arauca, and Casanare in the Llanos provide important habitats for this species, which prefers open landscapes with scattered trees.

Western Andes: While less commonly reported, the Plain-breasted Ground Dove may also occur in certain parts of the Western Andes region of Colombia, particularly in areas with suitable open habitats and food sources. Departments like Antioquia, Caldas, and Risaralda could potentially host populations of this species.


The Plain-breasted Ground-dove (Columbina minuta)

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Columbiformes
  • Family: Columbidae
  • Genus: Columbina
  • Species: Columbina minuta


The vocalization of the Plain-breasted Ground Dove (Columbina minuta) typically consists of soft and repetitive cooing sounds that are used for communication, courtship, and territorial defense. The call of the Plain-breasted Ground Dove is a distinctive and soothing series of low-pitched "coo-coo-coo" notes that are often delivered in a rhythmic pattern.
The cooing call of the Plain-breasted Ground Dove is relatively simple compared to the more elaborate songs of some other dove species. These vocalizations are usually soft and melodious, carrying well in the open habitats where the doves are commonly found. The repetitive nature of their calls helps establish territories, attract mates, and communicate with other individuals in their vicinity.
During courtship displays, male Plain-breasted Ground Doves may intensify their cooing calls to impress females and establish their suitability as mates. The vocal interactions between males and females play a crucial role in pair bonding and breeding activities. Additionally, these doves may use variations in their vocalizations to indicate agitation, alarm, or other behavioral states.