Purple-Quail-dove, Geotrygon purpurata, Paloma-perdiz Morada

Purple Quail-dove

Geotrygon purpurata
Paloma -perdiz Morada

distribution of the Purple Quail-dove


The Purple Quail Dove (Geotrygon purpurata).  Read in Spanish

Appearance: The Purple Quail Dove is a medium-sized, ground-dwelling bird with a distinct appearance. It has a rich purplish-brown plumage on its upperparts, giving it its name, while the underparts are a lighter, reddish-brown color. The male and female are generally similar in appearance, with the male usually being slightly larger.

Habitat: The Purple Quail Dove inhabits dense tropical forests with thick undergrowth, often near streams or in ravines. It prefers moist, lowland forests and can also be found in montane forests at higher elevations. This species is secretive and elusive, making it challenging to spot in the dense vegetation of its preferred habitats.

Behavior: Purple Quail Doves are primarily ground-dwelling birds, foraging for seeds, fruits, and insects on the forest floor. They are known for their quiet and secretive behavior, often remaining concealed in the dense vegetation to avoid detection. These doves are typically solitary or found in pairs, and they are more often heard than seen due to their shy nature.


The breeding habits of the Purple Quail Dove are not extensively studied. Like many dove species, they likely form monogamous pairs during the breeding season. Nests are built on the ground in concealed locations, where the female lays and incubates one or two eggs.

Conservation Status: The Purple Quail Dove is considered uncommon and secretive, making accurate population assessments challenging. The conservation status of the Purple Quail Dove in Colombia is not well-documented, but it is generally considered a species of least concern within its range.


The Purple Quail Dove (Geotrygon purpurata) is known to inhabit certain regions of Colombia, primarily within the country's diverse tropical and subtropical forests.

Northern Andes: The Purple Quail Dove is known to occur in the northern Andean region of Colombia, which includes areas such as the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and surrounding montane forests. These mountainous habitats provide suitable conditions for the Purple Quail Dove's presence.

Western Andes: This species is also reported in the western Andean region of Colombia.


The Purple Quail-dove (Geotrygon purpurata)

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves (Birds)
  • Order: Columbiformes
  • Family: Columbidae
  • Genus: Geotrygon
  • Species: Geotrygon purpurata


The Purple Quail Dove (Geotrygon purpurata)

  1. Song: The song of the Purple Quail Dove is often described as a series of soft, mournful, and melodious cooing sounds. These coos are typically deep and resonant, with a soothing quality that can be heard in the dense vegetation of its forest habitats. The song is often repetitive and can vary in duration and pitch.
  2. Call: In addition to its song, the Purple Quail Dove produces various calls for different purposes. These calls can include soft and low "coot" or "hoo" sounds, as well as gentle clucks or purring noises. Calls may be used for communication with mates, signaling alarm, or maintaining contact with other members of its species.
  3. Breeding Displays: During courtship and breeding displays, the Purple Quail Dove may vocalize more intensively, incorporating a mixture of coos, calls, and possibly other vocalizations to attract a mate and establish pair bonds.
  4. Territorial Calls: When defending its territory or communicating with neighboring doves, the Purple Quail Dove may emit territorial calls that serve to establish boundaries and deter intruders. These calls can be more assertive and may include a series of rapid coos or clucking sounds.