Blackish Nightjar
Photo: © Myles McNally eBird S33972098 Macaulay Library ML 48425631

Blackish Nightjar

Nyctipolus nigrescens
Guardacaminos Negruzco

Distribution of the Blackish Nightjar


The Blackish Nightjar (Nyctipolus nigrescens). Read in Spanish

Appearance: The Blackish Nightjar is a medium-sized nightjar species with a dark gray to blackish plumage that provides excellent camouflage against the forest floor. It has a mottled appearance, cryptic coloration, and intricate patterns to blend in seamlessly with its surroundings. The bird typically has a large head, wide mouth, short legs, and a short bill.

Habitat: The Blackish Nightjar is primarily found in humid lowland forests, including tropical and subtropical rainforests and secondary growth forests. It prefers dense vegetation, open woodlands, edges of forests, and areas near water bodies where it can forage for insects during the night.

Behavior: This nightjar is nocturnal, being most active during dusk and dawn. During the day, it rests on the forest floor, relying on its cryptic plumage to remain hidden from predators. The Blackish Nightjar feeds mainly on flying insects, which it catches in flight using its wide mouth and agile flight style.

Breeding: Breeding behavior of the Blackish Nightjar typically involves courtship displays by the male, often characterized by vocalizations and aerial acrobatics to attract a mate. The female usually lays two eggs directly on the ground, where they are incubated for about three weeks. Both parents share incubation and chick-rearing duties.

Conservation Status: The conservation status of the Blackish Nightjar is of Least Concern by the global IUCN 2023 Red List Category. 


The Blackish Nightjar (Nyctipolus nigrescens)

Amazon Region: The Amazon region, which encompasses parts of Amazonas, Caquetá, and Putumayo departments, the Blackish Nightjar may also be present. The extensive rainforests and diverse ecosystems in this region offer suitable conditions for the nightjar.
ns within the Andean region.

Eastern Plains (Llanos) Region: The Blackish Nightjar might inhabit the Eastern Plains region of Colombia, known as the Llanos, including areas in Meta, Arauca, and Casanare departments. The savannas, wetlands, and forested patches in this region can provide suitable environments for the nightjar.


The Blackish Nightjar (Nyctipolus nigrescens)

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves (Birds)
  • Order: Caprimulgiformes
  • Family: Caprimulgidae
  • Genus: Nyctipolus
  • Species: Nyctipolus nigrescens


The Blackish Nightjar (Nyctipolus nigrescens) is known for its distinctive vocalizations, primarily produced by the male during the breeding season. The vocalization of the Blackish Nightjar is characterized by a series of deep, resonant, repetitive calls that are often given from a concealed perch on the forest floor or low vegetation. The sound is described as a distinctive "chwirr-rr-rr" or "churr-rr-rr" repeated at regular intervals.
The male Blackish Nightjar uses its vocalizations as part of its courtship displays to attract females and establish territories. These calls are typically heard during the evening and night, creating a characteristic ambiance in the forest as part of the species' nocturnal activities.
The vocalizations of the Blackish Nightjar play a crucial role in communication within the species, aiding in mate attraction, territorial defense, and possibly signaling presence within the habitat. Studying and understanding these vocalizations can provide valuable insights into the behavior, ecology, and population dynamics of the Blackish Nightjar, contributing to conservation efforts and management strategies for this unique nocturnal bird species.